Thanks nick
I know that several teachers will start new Smalltalk lectures using pharo and 
this will probably help them.

On Aug 2, 2010, at 1:01 AM, Nick Ager wrote:

> Hi
> Though it's been a couple of weeks since CampSmalltalk London, I've only just 
> got round to creating a ConfigurationOfCampSmalltalkLondon which can be used 
> to download the beginners tutorial Tim Mackinnon and I created. 
> First some context. The beginners tutorial ran on the first day. We had 9 
> developers with a mixed background in Ruby/Java/C#/PHP etc. We started by 
> going through the excellent ProfStef tutorial which we used as jump off point 
> for frequent asides into the tools and code in Pharo.
> Next we gave them a simple exercise. You can download the code by grabbing 
> ConfigurationOfCampSmalltalkLondon from 
> and executing:
> (ConfigurationOfCampSmalltalkLondon project version: '1.0') load.
> The aim was to put into practice some of the concepts they'd learnt in the 
> ProfStef tutorial - initially focusing on loops. The tutorial grabs live 
> traffic information from the SE of the UK. Initially there is only one entry 
> in the list viewable from their image at: 
> http://localhost:8080/camp-smalltalk-london
> The first task was to change the code in CSLTransportInfo>>renderPage: to 
> loop over the results and pass them to a custom renderer. Note we wanted to 
> pass-on the joy of developing a web app in Smalltalk - the liveliness of the 
> environment, code editing in the debugger etc - without first having to learn 
> Seaside. So we hid the Seaside code behind some custom renderers.
> The second task was the change the renderer in 
> CSLTransportInfo>>modelRenderer to be a CSLListItemRenderer. The task here 
> was to notice the signature of the addItem method had changed and use the 
> inspector and the browser to discover the relevant accessors on the result 
> items. 
> Finally they changed the renderer again for a CSLMapRenderer and went through 
> a similar routine to step two, though this time the result of their labours 
> was to transform a boring list into an impressive map - graphically  showing 
> traffic incidents.
> Those who were more advanced could then filter the results to look at say 
> only incidents along particular roads etc.
> The tutorial session seemed to be well received. I don't know if anyone out 
> there is planning to run an introduction to Smalltalk - if so they are more 
> than welcome to use the code.
> All feedback gratefully received.
> Nick
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