Thanks Bert.

On 02.05.2013, at 16:29, Bert Freudenberg <> wrote:

> On 2013-05-02, at 15:44, Max Leske <> wrote:
>> We've created a patch for the unix socket plugin that allows for socket 
>> activation via systemd.
>> This is how it works:
>> 1. tell systemd to link a socket to the vm (e.g. 8080)
>> 2. send a request to the socket
>> 3. systemd will launch the vm and hold the request until the image is 
>> connected to the port
>> 4. (here's where the patch comes in) connect to the socket in the image 
>> (e.g. by starting WAKom - WAKom startOn: 8080)
>> The patch is necessary because the primitive would fail when connecting to 
>> the socket (the plugin thinks that the socket is already in use).
>> So here's my question: who is responsible for the plugin or would like to 
>> integrate the patch?
> Send it to vm-dev, the responsible people hang out there. And cc Ian and 
> Eliot explicitly.
> - Bert -

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