
-  Issue 2271:  Scanner doesNotUnderstand: #ambiguousSelector:inRange:
        1) Fix http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2271
        which is also http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7491
        2) replace slow asSortedCollection with faster asArray sort (from 

        Note that Behavior of 1...@-1 is different from Squeak.
        Squeak favours backward compatibility in case of ambiguity.
        Pharo always send @-

- Issue 2277:   requestorOffset initialization is out of order
- Issue 2275:   URI comment + tests     
- Issue 2278:   Obsolete class in 11308

Stef (I'm in house renovation mode - painting... so I will integrate a bit less 
frequently during the holidays).
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