On Jul 2, 2008, at 17:59 , Norbert Hartl wrote:

I'm a little bit confused. I started to have a look
at the squeak fixes of 3dot10 we like to integrate.
Looking at the version number I marked all version
number up to 7075 as being duplicate (in the issue
trackr) as we started from 3.9.1 which is 7075. But
now I think I misunderstand something.

the numbers nnnn do not seem to be unique among 3.9 and 3.10. The reason likely is because 3.9.1 was done after 3.10 started, it continued numbering from 3.9 creating duplicates. You can see this in the update stream: http://ftp.squeak.org/updates/updates.list
Therefore, the number alone does not uniquely identify the change.

I tried to merge squeak version 7076 into pharo.
I did some stuff manually to be able to merge the
monticello packages of that release. But the changes
are massive. It's collections, collectionstests and
kernel. There are even changes for widestring which
I don't found in previous updates.

I think its easiest to load the changesets from Mantis into Pharo and then save a slice with the modified packages to the inbox. This will take quite some work, especially because we also need to check whether the fix makes sense and which changeset is the correct one if there are multiple ones etc.

Can other people help with this?
I suggest to change the status to "Started" when you start working on an issue to avoid conflicts.


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