ID:               28082
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      mastabog at hotmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Zend Engine 2 problem
 Operating System: Win32, Linux and on all tested
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2004-04-20 (dev)
 New Comment:

Please do not submit the same bug more than once. An existing
bug report already describes this very problem. Even if you feel
that your issue is somewhat different, the resolution is likely
to be the same. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

See bug #26737

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-20 21:12:24] mastabog at hotmail dot com

I posted this as a comment to an existing bug report (after it has been
suspended). The bug report is 4 months old and can be found here:

Everything written there (including the last comment which is mine) is
still true, unfortunately.

That bug existed since my first attempt to use __sleep() in PHP5
(approx 1 year ago) and persisted since (i alway use the daily php5-cvs

Here is a summary (though I suggest you take a look at the original bug
at the link above).

__sleep() serialization does not work unless you do this: You not only
have to enclose the class name with null characters. As far as I've
seen you have to enclose with
null chars *ALL* Php5 serialization identifiers of class properties
types, the ones I figured out to be for now. The string that needs to
be enclosed in null chars is (let x be the property name):

1. class name, if x is 'private' (i.e. "\0" . __CLASS__ . "\0x")
2. *, if x is 'protected' (i.e. "\0*\0x")
3. Null, if x is 'public' => (i.e. "x")

Here's what I mean (this is how it should be done in order to work ...
meaning to avoid/workaround this bug):


class aTest
  public $a = 'one';
  protected $b = 'two';
  private $c = 'three';
  private $d = 'something you dont wanna save';

  function __sleep()
    return array("a",
    // or
    // return array("a",
    //              "\0*\0b",
    //              "\0" . __CLASS__ . "\0c");


Anything else in the return array of __sleep() and the property will
come up empty after unserialization ... not nice.

My hope is that this *is* a bug, because forming those strings with
null chars is just, well, ugly and inconsistent.

Reproduce code:

class aTest
  public $a = 'one';
  protected $b = 'two';
  private $c = 'three';
  private $d = 'something you dont wanna save';

  function __sleep()
    return array("a",

  // This is how it should be, IMHO (php4 style)
  //function __sleep()
  //  return array("a", "b", "c");



Expected result:
With the 2nd __sleep() uncommented you should get the normal serialized
properties of the object. Instead, every private/protected members come
up emtpy.


Edit this bug report at

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