ID:               39497
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      charlesk at netgaintechnology dot com
-Status:           Assigned
+Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows 2003 Standard
 PHP Version:      4.4.4
 Assigned To:      fmk
 New Comment:

There is a bug in the MSSQL library used for this extension.

In older versions we used to right trim the content of string values,
but that gives problems when the value actualy has spaces at the end of
thie string. It was decided to return the data as thery are provided by
the library.

A fix for this problem is to use the php_dblib.dll version of the
extension. This is created with the FreeTDS library (no microsoft
components needed). Unfortunately this is only available in PHP 5.x

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-04 13:45:03] charlesk at netgaintechnology dot com

I am dissappointed,  I paid software would not go unanswered for 4


[2006-11-13 14:26:38] charlesk at netgaintechnology dot com

php_mssql.dll from version 4.3.1 works without a problem. 
php_mssql.dll from version 4.4.4 does not.  This is a change in PHP not
in Microsoft.  How is this a Microsoft problem?  What changed in this
DLL to make it not work?  My environment is set up that if I put the new
version of the DLL in place, it starts throwing spaces everywhere.  If I
put the 4.3.1 version dll back it stops throwing spaces everywhere.

Reproduce code:
Copy the new php_mssql.dll in place

Expected result:
Nulls and empty strings returned as nulls and empty strings.

Actual result:
nulls as nulls,  Empty strings as a single space


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