ID:               40106
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      delontan at yahoo dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: windows 2003
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 New Comment:

Sounds like you are using the dl() function to load the extensions.
That will not work with multithreaded SAPI's. You can load the
extensions with the extension=... directive in your php.ini file.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-11 23:28:13] delontan at yahoo dot com

I've installed php 5.2 and update all related modules for oci8, odbtp.
Everything is working. 

I use remote desktop to access the machine where i installed php and
apach 2.0.59. i installed php as modules instead of cgi/fast cgi.

during my development of php pages, unable to load dynamic library for
oci8, odbtp all came up from nowhere. i didn't see anything in error

i remembered when there was (using cgi/fast cgi as parser last time)
memory leak or ?? reason, there will be php-cgi.exe stayed in windows
Task Manager's process list forever. i had to kill it manually before
it crashed my system. so, is this the effect of using modules as parser
and when seomthing went wrong, the dynamic window pop/show up? i just
have to close the window, everything is still working and running

plz advise. I've read all the similar post but it's different.




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