ID:               40596
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      karldray at interchange dot ubc dot ca
-Status:           Closed
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:      5.2.1
 New Comment:

I Think this is an IE problem and has nothing to do with PHP or

Try the same thing in Firefox and you will not see this problem. IE
seams to have a limit of two connections to the same server at any

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-22 22:36:49] karldray at interchange dot ubc dot ca

Bug closed: I just noticed that while the first two scripts are
running, Apache still responds fine to requests coming from other
clients. There must simply be a limit of two simultaneous requests per
client that Apache is enforcing. Now I just need to figure out how to
change this.


[2007-02-22 22:31:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please make sure you have a clean system. I.e. no firewalls, no
third-party applications that might affect it. It would be good if try
it on another machine.
Personally I do not believe an issue like this might come unnoticed, so
it looks like your local problem.


[2007-02-22 22:20:50] karldray at interchange dot ubc dot ca

While two PHP scripts (or two instances of the same script) are
running, Apache (2.2.4) stops responding to any new requests (even for
non-php pages) until one of them finishes.

It doesn't seem to matter what the scripts are actually doing; the same
problem occurs when they're doing any of the following:

-performing calculations (e.g. counting from 1 to 10000000)
-blocking on socket functions
-sleep() ing

Reproduce code:
<?php sleep(15); ?>

1. Open two browser windows and point them both to wait.php so that
they're running at the same time.
2. Before they finish, open a third browser window and point it to any
other URI on the server (even a non-php page).

Expected result:
The third window should load immediately.

Actual result:
The third window does not load until one of the two PHP scripts

Note: If the third request is for a PHP page containing an error_log()
at the very beginning, then the logfile output is not generated as long
as the first two pages are running (suggesting that Apache isn't getting
around to starting PHP during this time).


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