ID:               19814
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         cURL related
 Operating System: Windows2000 SP3
 PHP Version:      4.2.2
 New Comment:

That should be: "to your c:\winnt\system32 dir".

Previous Comments:

[2002-10-08 08:16:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just follow the install instructions and copy files from "dlls" folder
in you c:\winnt\system32 dir.


[2002-10-08 07:55:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I(and many others too) have got the same problem as mentioned in

I'm running PHP 4.2.2 with Apache 2 on Win2000 SP3 and I _have_ an
original winnt\system32\msvcr70.dll, perhaps form SP3. I also have the
php_curl.dll in the correct folder, all other modules work well this
way! I also have the "real" curl run on my computer, therefore I
the other required dlls in system32 folder, so if curl works, php_curl
should work too! I also copied all related dlls into serveral folders,
but nothing worked. I think this _is_ a PHP-bug! I get the same error
as described
in the following:

<quote from php-manual:>
orangevwbus at yahoo dot com
05-Jan-2002 08:12
In win32 (Windows 2000), I couldn't get apache to start with PHP/curl
support 'cause it said it couldn't find the php_curl.dll. Well it was
MSVCRT.dll was there as well, but after I ran the dll through
there's a new DLL for the Microsoft .NET stuff. It's called
and without it, php_curl.dll won't load.
I didn't want to load .NET framework on my machine (which suggested)
I did a google search and found a downloadable copy of the file and
threw it in my %system%\system32 folder and all the lights and
came on.
d dot kingma at ContentS dot nl
30-Jan-2002 08:47
in addition to the files named above, you should also add the file
libeay32.dll to your PHP directory. The file can be found in the dlls
</quote from php-manual>

And please have a look at 



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