In PHP I try to run a shell command with the following source code:

$fotonaam = 'convert -font arial -pointsize 20 -gravity center -fill
white -draw "text 5,5 VERKOCHT" image.jpg image2.jpg';

PHP runs the program but the -draw "text 5,5 VERKOCHT" is not executed
(there is no VERKOCHT in the image2.jpg). I tried everything but I can't
solve the problem. Could somebody explain to me how it's possible that the
program (convert) runs but there (seams to be) a problem with -draw "text
5,5 VERKOCHT". If I run the same command troughs telnet/ssh as root or
nobody it works fine

Is it something with the " and the combinative with the exec function (I
also tried \")?

Or is it because I run PHP in safe mode and the convert program tries to run
a external program what is not in the . path (you now, the basic safe mode

Please help me.. I'm getting despaired on this in. ;-)


Jeffrey Barendse

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