Nsk wrote:

I want to create a single php file which will be able to display multiple html forms.

Like this: Form1 -> Form2 -> Form3.

After the user completes and submits Form1, the script will process it and display a different form. etc...

I am new to php, I would need some detailed instructions, or point me to an opensource php script which already does that so that I can analyse it.

In a single script it could be a little nasty if you want more then one or two phases - its common to have a submit and view result on the same script, but multiple stages can become a maintaince nightmare, but you can do it like this:

You could use a "mode" indicator and a session settings. Look for start_session() in the manual.

Something like:


 $_SESSION['mode'] = 0;  // first time round, on first screen

// function to test if mode is 0 AND button pressed (ie a submission,
// deal (store) the information and increment mode

if($_SESSION['mode'] == 0){
 <form 1> </form 1>
} else if ($_SESSION['mode'] == 1) {
<form 2> </form2>

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