I want to thank you all for previous helpings.

Really the first code was easy to be solved, but
this is how it shall work out. This is a program running
locally and the trouble is that session vars are stored
in local files. I must avoid to store a plain text password
therein, thus I need to crypt and save it into session.

When 2.php file just displays session data (it is test environemnt),
but the output is blank !

Suggest a different approach ?

Alessandro Rosa



$handle_db = connect_to_mysql_server();
$psw = $_POST['txtPassword'];
$psw = encrypt( $psw, get_crypt_key() );
sql_disconnect( $handle_db );

$_SESSION['session_user'] = $_POST['txtIdUtente'];
$_SESSION['session_password'] = $psw;


$PHPcmd = $GLOBALS['gestionale_path_name']."phpcode/login/2.php" ;

header( "Location: ".$PHPcmd );


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