
I have just committed a script to check what DocBook XML tags we use,
and what are only used once or twice (like formalpara). The results are

IMHO this list would alos help to make some standard for used tags,
and don't let everybody invent his/her own tag usage style. If we use
a small subset of tags, people can easily identify what tag means
what... Using "exotic" tags like formalpara may lead to confusion
for authors, and new contributors.

The text file sent is a test on the "en" XML tree.


In this file you can find tag usage stats compiled
from the following tree[s] at phpdoc:

You may find some rarely used tags here, and find out
what tags others use to write documentation.

function                       10168
parameter                      8434
para                           7294
paramdef                       5147
title                          3889
entry                          3357
simpara                        2726
refsect1                       2583
refnamediv                     2577
refentry                       2577
refname                        2577
refpurpose                     2577
funcdef                        2570
funcprototype                  2570
funcsynopsis                   2560
listitem                       1939
literal                        1330
row                            1155
programlisting                 1073
link                           903
optional                       811
example                        699
term                           489
varlistentry                   489
note                           399
informalexample                332
ulink                          306
filename                       259
member                         219
type                           216
itemizedlist                   213
?xml                           158
emphasis                       155
varname                        150
sect1                          148
sect2                          146
titleabbrev                    123
reference                      110
partintro                      102
constant                       98
replaceable                    96
acronym                        88
answer                         82
qandaentry                     82
question                       82
tgroup                         72
tbody                          72
variablelist                   70
table                          68
screen                         61
thead                          59
warning                        57
command                        54
option                         51
literallayout                  39
chapter                        36
section                        29
simplelist                     18
refsect2                       17
orderedlist                    17
sect3                          16
systemitem                     14
errortype                      14
qandaset                       13
productname                    12
envar                          12
computeroutput                 11
firstname                      10
appendix                       10
userinput                      10
caution                        10
surname                        10
author                         8
classname                      8
abbrev                         7
tip                            6
sgmltag                        6
glossterm                      5
synopsis                       5
year                           5
informaltable                  4
sect4                          3
editor                         2
manvolnum                      2
refentrytitle                  2
authorgroup                    2
refsynopsisdiv                 2
citerefentry                   2
blockquote                     2
application                    2
holder                         1
bookinfo                       1
pubdate                        1
symbol                         1
copyright                      1
abstract                       1
errorcode                      1
prompt                         1
citation                       1
preface                        1
legalnotice                    1
footnoteref                    1
footnote                       1
formalpara                     1

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