On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 02:25:53PM +0200, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

> > I think 'PicoLisp Works' would work pretty well as a title ...

> Yes, a nice title indeed.

The original call for papers went like this from Thorsten:

PicoLisp Bible - Call for Papers
"I'm on my way to publish (in cooperation with Alex) a 'PicoLisp Bible'
with (almost) everything written about PicoLisp collected and organized
in one single book. I will be the editor (and author of a few articles
from the wiki), most of the articles will be (of course) from Alex, but
e.g. Henrik gave the permission to include his tutorial series on
ProDevTips too.

Every article will be published under the name of its author, I'm only
the editor who merges everything together. It should be more or less a
non-profit project, the (likely) costs will be paid for by me, the
(unlikely) profits will reimburse me for all the work to put the book

So, if you have anything PicoLisp related in your mind you always wanted
to write an article or essay about - now would be the perfect time.
Maybe you have written a library and want for explain its use, or you
can describe an interesting practical use case, or maybe your IDE/Editor
setup for PicoLisp. There are so many interesting aspects about PicoLisp
that would be worth to document.

The idea is that you write your articles in the 'articles and essays'
section of the PicoLisp wiki, from where it is easy to download them as
tex files (to be merged into the book).

So this is a CALL FOR PAPERS for the 'PicoLisp Bible', the deadline would
be (more or less) the 1st of September, please let me (us) know if you
are interested and planning to contribute something."

Once that goal has been achieved ie, assembly, then I think it would be
logical to
move forward and build on that. Having continuing scaling goals seems

I'm thinking ahead some more and wanting some sort of directed introduction
for PicoLisp
different from the "Radical Approach" paper that has served so well up til
now. I'm  thinking
more generic and marketing/sale's pitchy.  Sorry, I butcher "english" on a
daily basis. I keep
a lot of idea files and snippets about and offer this one for idea


If this is going to hit two volumes, why not plan for 3? What is the
audience, could a
high school programming class adopt this as a guide to programming? How
about a
CS prof doing a unit on scripting languages? Third volume a workbook? Ya,
all this
sounds like a lot of work but if you build a 15 to 30 minute a day habit to
look for
material, write an example, create a GUI element or graphic table (x) four
to seven people
at the end of 6 months...

Another discussion I am listening in on right now is about "Shen" which is
an outgrowth of
Qi II where they are on about making a new book, Qi II has a book available


The actual discussion that parallels this one is pasted here for your


Hope this provides some fodder for the final decisions on the book.


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