Dear Forum,

I have installed the Squeezecenter on a "My Book" external hard drive
who is supposed to be a free standing hard disk device wireless
independent from the Computer. I also keep the music library at the "My
book" (1 Terabyte space, he he. :-) ).

Current System Description;

1) "My book" connected via --> Ethernet cable --> Router D-link.
2) My Computer connected via --> Wireless --> Router D-link.
2) Squeezebox "SB" connected via --> wireless --> Router D-link 
4) "My book" connected via --> Ethernet cable --> Router D-link -->
connected via -->Wireless --> My computer.

I see the "My Book" as an extra hard drive (letter K) at the computer
--> connected wireless to a Router from D-link connected to --> "My
Book" through Ethernet cable.


A) The system is very very slow. Trouble starting up the system,
connecting all the devices to each other (take ages for the Squeezebox
to find the Computer, and the wireless hand control). Systems runs
after a few minutes but is slow (takes time to load music from the "My
book" and get it out to my System (Pre amp etc).

B) When I shut of the computer the music stops. The Idea with the My
Book is to enabling music-listening without running the Computer. As it
is now the Computer must be on, enabling music listening. ( I have
installed the squeeze enter at the alltime running "My book", and the
library is also physically at the "My book").

I see huge potential within reach but I am now desperate to gain more
knowledge! What to do?

Desperate for advices!



Andreas Stockholm
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