I have one pmwiki installed and working properly. However, a second
installation (of the last version admittedly) gives only a white
page when I try to access it for the first time. I do not even
know where to start this problem...

Both systems are Suse 10.x installations, but one is a 32-bit
(which works fine) and the other is a 64-bit machine.


Dr. J.J. Paijmans
Tilburg University: Dept. of Linguistics & AI               013-4662693
Rijksdienst voor Archeologie, Cultuurlandchap en Monumenten 033-4227591
Maastricht University: IKAT, Faculty of General Sciences    043-3883477
Thuis: Kleine St.Jansstraat 3, 3811 HV  Amersfoort          033-4722579
http://paai.uvt.nl     http://paijmans.net         GSM: +31 621 961 083

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