What he did was to wait seven minutes while the Pet Goat was being read to 
elementary students and another 20 minutes before deciding to leave the school. 
(But, you all know the story by now) George knew what was coming. It was a 

Bush Coverup of 9/11 has unraveled. The NY Times reported that President Bush 
was told more than a month before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that 
supporters of Osama bin Laden planned an attack within the United States with 
explosives and wanted to hijack airplanes. This has been confirmed by a 
government official - and the 9/11 Commission continued to act like the 
bipartisan committee it is, protecting the interests of the two major parties 
but falling short of it's mandate to demand the truth about 9/11.

The families of 9/11 victims were dismayed during the commission hearings when 
Rice hop scotched around questions put to her about the daily briefings. They 
gasped when Rice disclosed that it was five weeks before the attack on the U.S. 
when President Bush got a secret CIA briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to 
Attack Inside the United States. Bush wasn't surprised anymore than he was when 
they struck. It was the reason he and his gang of war criminals had been 
waiting for to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
New World Order of State Lawlessness

"From the very beginning, there was a conviction that Saddam Hussein was a bad 
person and that he needed to go." (Paul O'Neill) Iraq is a "a grave and 
gathering danger." (George W. Bush)

"But the risk of doing nothing, the risk of the security of this country being 
jeopardized at the hands of a madman with weapons of mass destruction far 
exceeds the risks of any action we may be forced to take." Source: President 
Meets with National Economic Council, White House (President George W. Bush - 

"In the 23 months I was there", I never saw anything that I would characterize 
as evidence of weapons of mass destruction. There were allegations and 
assertions by people... I never saw anything in the intelligence that I would 
characterize as real evidence." Whistle-blower, and former Treasury Secretary, 
Paul O'Neill, who also served Reagan, Ford, Nixon and George H.W. Bush, told 
Time magazine (January 10, 2004)

"From the start, we were building the case against Hussein and looking at how 
we could take him out and change Iraq into a new country... It was about 
finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying, `Fine. 
Go find me a way to do this'" (O'Neill)

More: http://pnews.org/ArT/Xray/BPet.shtml

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