On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 05:46:50PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> I wasn't sure if Mock::* was the best name to use.
> Also, the patch as supplied was intended to give the minimum changes to the
> POD part of the code whilst keeping everything working, more as a proof of
> concept than a final version. If the chosen path is to drop the use of
> HTTP:Daemon and associated modules, then I believe that it's possible to
> clean the code still further by simplifying the API between the two halves.

What I feel is particularly hacky is the package Pod::Webserver::Response.
HTTP::Response had proper getter/setter methods, but Pod::Webserver only
needed to use the setter methods. So for maximum laziness I used AUTOLOAD to
emulate the setters, and the other HTTP::* emulation code pokes around
directly in the object, rather than using methods.

To me this feels unclean.

Although keeping things this way means that the rest of Pod::Webserver can
go back to using HTTP::* proper if it wants. I'm not sure if that's really

Nicholas Clark

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