
AS> 1. Is this expected to compile with jdk 1.4 or 1.3?

I compiled it under JDK 1.4.

AS> 2. for formula cells, it shouldnt probably be sized on the text of the 
AS> formula, but on the formula result. Of course, for POI created formula's we 
AS> dont have the result... thoughts??

Good catch. Formula cells should be sized based on the formula result.

I think the best we can do is to ignore formula cells or always size
them to the default column width. In most cases formula result is a
number and using the default column width (8 characters) is okay.

An important point is that to auto-size a column I need the fonts. If the
requested font is missing JDK will use the default one and the
calculation result may be wrong. For example, if you run POI on Linux
and process an xls with Windows-specific fonts that are NOT installed
on Linux.

P.S. I hope to find time to polish on the weekend and then will drop
in poi-user an announcement about this new functionality.


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