Ted Morawski wrote:

>i Neandertale jak to oni. Pewnie gdzies tam gdzie pozniej
>Grekom sie wrota Herkulesa majaczyly zaczeli swoim zwyczajem
>dlubac jak nie w nosie to w ziemi..


Podlug Ifugao wlasnie tak sie stalo.  Kopali w wyschnietym korycie, zeby znalezc
dusze rzeki.  Inni znowu pogaduja, ze to dwie gory sie poklocily  o to ktora
wyzsza.  Wsrod powodow potopow najczesciej w legendach swiata jest czyjs gniew i
niezadowolenie z ludzi.  Rzadko przypadek, choc znalazlam jeden, ktory jest
calkiem beztroski i eskimoski.  Natomiast zadziwil mnie Xowalaci swoim
przewidywaniem.  "This is going to make troble in the future!".  A tacy Mayowie
to musieli juz wczesniej odkopac swoja Lucy.

Netsilik Eskimo:

          The giant Inugpasugssuk waded into the ocean to hunt seals. His penis
stuck up out of the water so far away that he
     thought it was a seal putting its head up, and he struck it by mistake. He
fell backwards in pain, and that raised a wave
     that flooded the whole district of Arviligjuaq. [Norman, p. 233]

Joshua (southern Oregon):

     In the beginning, there was no land, and Xowalaci (The Giver) and his
companion lived in a sweat house on the water.
     One day land appeared. Xowalaci made it solid, and he made more solid land
by dropping five mud cakes into the
     ocean and telling them to expand when they hit the bottom. He looked on the
sand of the new land and saw a man's
     tracks. This worried him, and he told the water to overflow the land and
recede again. But he found more tracks again
     after that, so he caused a second flood. He repeated the process five times
with no different results. Finally he gave up
     and said, "This is going to make trouble in the future!" and there has been
trouble in the world since then. Later,
     Xowalaci made animals, and his companion made a woman from smoke and
married her. [Sproul, pp. 232-236; von
     Franz, p. 174]


     The wooden people, an early version of humanity, were imperfect because
there was nothing in their hearts and minds,
     and they did not remember Heart of Sky. So Heart of Sky destroyed them with
a flood. He sent down a black rain of
     resin; animals came into their houses and attacked them; and even pots and
stones crushed them. Today's monkeys are a
     sign of these people. [Tedlock, p. 83-86


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