[political-research] Response to Coburn ...

2006-12-06 Thread tim_howells_1000
... and Chomsky and Raimondo and ... http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_alladd\ ress=125x127036 http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_allad\ dress=125x127036 I think this about nails it: Understandably enough, public intellectuals who

[political-research] The Israel Lobby Aims Its Guns on James Baker

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
The Israel Lobby Goes on the Attack Against James Baker The very same lobby which engineered the Iraq War -- the Israel lobby -- is now involved in a major campaign of vilification against James Baker and the Iraq Study Group. Far from having learned anything valuable from the disaster

[political-research] The Neocons Dig in Their Heels on Iraq

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
nml ! The Neocons Dig in Their Heels on Iraq # modular, reusable data points for data mining # /i = instance # x /i y [implies] y /c x # /c = category James Baker opponent /i AEI (American Enterprise Institute) James Baker opponent /i Bret Stephens James Baker opponent /i Charles

[political-research] Wiki-vandals

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Wiki-vandals* I didn't know I had a Wikipedia entry until about a year ago. I discovered it by googling my name — a vice that I'm sure most writers indulge in, some more than others. I tried to abstain, or, at least, not indulge too often, but the temptation to go back and see how the entry was

[political-research] Uncovering the Core Ringleaders of the Iraq War

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Uncovering the Core Ringleaders of the Iraq War We've got a wonderful opportunity at the moment to discover who were the primary instigators, ringleaders and engineers of the Iraq War, on a precise individual by individual basis. They are ones who are lashing out at James Baker and the

[political-research] Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google* Steele goes further than before in detailing ties, names Google's CIA liaison Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1200

[political-research] james brolin

2006-12-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
apparently james brolin has come out on one of those shows on 911 Truth. i think it was THE VIEW. so he's bab streisand's hubby. she's about as zionist as they come, is she not? could they be ready to pin this all on dumbya?

[political-research] Ex-Russian spy to be buried Friday in Muslim graveyard

2006-12-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20061205/wl_uk_afp/britainrussiaspy_061205163039 Ex-Russian spy to be buried Friday in Muslim graveyard LONDON (AFP) - Former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko is to be buried on Friday in a Muslim ceremony in or near London, following his radioactive poisoning, his

[political-research] Fwd: New York Times on Israeli War Crimes

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
[The New York Times is a propaganda arm of the Israel lobby, which systematically censors most of the best analytical minds on Mideast politics, because it, and the lobby, can't handle the truth. The Times, and the rest of the mainstream media, are helping to run the United States aground in

[political-research] [Fwd: [911InsideJobbers] Dems set to roll over for Qaeda architect Gates]

2006-12-06 Thread Rosalee Grable
Original Message Subject: [911InsideJobbers] Dems set to roll over for Qaeda architect Gates Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 17:32:58 -0500 From: Total Information [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dems set to roll over for

[political-research] Looked in a Mirror Lately, Bud?

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Looked in a Mirror Lately, Bud?* James Wolcott: In all my time in Washington, I've never seen such smugness, arrogance, or such insufferable moral superiority. Self-congratulatory. Full of itself... --Bill

[political-research] The Israel Lobby Is Having Hysterics over the ISG Report

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
The Israel Lobby Is Having Hysterics over the ISG Report My, oh my, what a show -- follow it in Google News. The neocons are having a full-fledged nervous breakdown on the public stage over James Baker's and Lee Hamilton's rough slapdown of their big dreams in the Middle East. This

[political-research] Robert Kagan and William Kristol Want to Escalate the War in Iraq

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
[Yeah, sharp thinking -- that'll pacify the natives, especially in combination with the saturation bombing of Iran you are pushing. Will someone *please* remove these demented creatures from the stage with a hook, before they can do anymore damage? They make Michael Richards look like a

[political-research] Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11* Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11 Follows in footsteps of David Lynch on same day Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Wednesday, December... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1202 [The

[political-research] It's Happening Again

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*It's Happening Again* Excerpt: The lead-up to the invasion of Iraq has become notorious in the annals of American journalism. Even many reporters, editors, and commentators who fueled the drive to war in 2002 and early 2003 now acknowledge that major media routinely tossed real journalism out

[political-research] David Lynch Exercises His Common Sense on 9/11

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Following are some of the questions raised by David Lynch which anyone who is merely *sentient* would notice right off the bat. Many of us raised these questions within weeks of 9/11. We have all seen enough by now to know that these basic questions are not being answered, and cannot be

[political-research] The Neocons and the Litvinenko Hit

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,329651947-103610,00.html In bed with Russophobes The Litvinenko murder is being used by neocons in their campaign against Putin's national revival Neil Clark Monday December 4, 2006 Guardian Three weeks on, we are still no closer to knowing

Re: [political-research] james brolin

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Actually, Barbara Streisand has been quite critical of Israel, as have many, many Jews. She hardly touts the official line of the official Israel or Jewish lobbies. But there is not the slightest doubt that the neocons intend to blame the hapless George W. Bush for all their screw-ups -- they

[political-research] Roots of Debacle in Iraq Are in Neocon Ideology

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/editorial/16164905.htm Posted on Tue, Dec. 05, 2006 Commentary Roots of debacle in Iraq are in neocon ideology The leading advocates of the war were wrong about nearly every aspect of it. By Justin Logan This week, the

[political-research] Rep. Paul Lindley Dares to Speak Out About the Israeli

2006-12-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Rep. Paul Lindley Dares to Speak Out About the Israeli Lobby (VIDEO) http://www.thelastoutpost.com/site/1416/default.aspx

[political-research] [Fwd: [911InsideJobbers] Meet Ron/Rob Howard and the LC connection...]

2006-12-06 Thread Rosalee Grable
Original Message Subject:[911InsideJobbers] Meet Ron/Rob Howard and the LC connection... Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 02:11:41 +0100 From: Nico Haupt [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...maybe ignore the inside/outside job

[political-research] An Element of Hilarity in the ISG Report

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
An Element of Hilarity in the ISG Report I'm not sure everyone realizes this, but we have just witnessed an extraordinary moment in American politics. James Baker and Lee Hamilton have just delivered an *thunderous* bitch slap to the president of the United States, to sonny. I knew this

[political-research] Gates Warns Against War with Tehran

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Gates Warns Against War with Tehran http://www.nysun.com/article/44675 This is the most important thing we need to know about Robert Gates. The neocon era is over. Believe me, there are much worse threats to the United States than Bob Gates, and they were very close to taking us

[political-research] [Fwd: [911InsideJobbers] Re: ...... AS EASILY AS A KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER . - WallStreetJournal]

2006-12-06 Thread Rosalee Grable
Original Message Subject:[911InsideJobbers] Re: .. AS EASILY AS A KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER . - WallStreetJournal Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 03:45:24 - From: Lynn Ertell [EMAIL PROTECTED] This was just published TODAY I can't believe it .. They are coming

[political-research] Iraq group’s proposals worry Israel backers

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Iraq group's proposals worry Israel backers* The Iraq Study Group's near-term recommendations for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict already are raising hackles in some pro-Israel quarters — and long-term expectations could be even more problematic Source:

[political-research] How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web's Haystack

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web's Haystack* Source: http://www.ams.org/featurecolumn/archive/pagerank.html

[political-research] Is Hezbollah Opening Franchises in Latin America?

2006-12-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://counterterrorismblog.org/2006/12/is_hezbollah_opening_franchise.php Is Hezbollah Opening Franchises in Latin America? By Douglas Farah There is growing concern, both in the U.S. intelligence community and among other groups, that Hezbollah, after years of careful infrastructure building,

[political-research] The Litvinenko poisoning puzzle

2006-12-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/ Friday, December 01, 2006 The Litvinenko poisoning puzzle The answers to the Litvinenko poisoning puzzle are falling into place nicely, despite the efforts of the British police to muddy the waters: 1.. All the people who met with Litvinenko on the day of his