[political-research] Cheney, Rumsfeld and 911 (Peter Dale Scott)

2007-05-23 Thread tim_howells_1000
From Reprehensor: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_alladd\ ress=125x157046 http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_allad\ dress=125x157046 Peter Dale Scott, 911 Accountability: Strategies and Solutions Conference Chandler, Arizona, Feb.

[political-research] Re: The Iranians are coming! AIEEE!

2007-05-23 Thread LeaNder
Actions against Iran are tightening it seems. Frighten scenarios, if one considers that after a while the pure menace want do the trick. I do not have much time, but you maybe should add the following to your database: Claude Moniquet is also a member of the Atlantic Institute that was founded

Re: [political-research] Re: Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'I Will Never Abandon Israel - NewsMax.com

2007-05-23 Thread Albert Underwood
Here is the information you requested on how to become a media terrorist: Rebroadcast. The essence of media terrorism-- the essence of the unparalleled Democratic social power of the Internet-- is therebroadcast network of political messages. We terrorizethe mass media by

Re: [political-research] Re: The Iranians are coming! AIEEE!

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
God, these neocons are everywhere, closely coordinating their activities worldwide, hawking the same ridiculous lies and Straussian deception relentlessly, failing to acknowledge any of their mistakes, and pushing, pushing, pushing us all towards a great catastrophe, towards a self-fulfilling

Re: [political-research] Re: Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'I Will Never Abandon Israel - NewsMax.com

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
No one here requested information on how to be a media terrorist, and I am trying to figure out who, other than a neocon or neocon agent provocateur, or someone with exceptionally poor judgment, would be trying to frame the democratic expression of dissenting views as terrorism. The term

[political-research] Leading GOP Candidate Romney Taps Blackwater's Cofer Black As Campaign Adviser

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Leading GOP Candidate Romney Taps Blackwater's Cofer Black As Campaign Adviser via Democracy Now! by sharif on May 23, 2007 Things you can do from here: - Visit the original item on Democracy Now! - Subscribe to Democracy Now! using Google Reader -

[political-research] Dr. Demento In The Oval Office

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Dr. Demento In The Oval Office via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion on May 23, 2007 SUMMARY FOR OP ED NEWS There is increasing coalescence around the view that George Bush cannot disengage from Iraq because this

[political-research] Will the GOP Destroy Itself Before It Destroys America?

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Will the GOP Destroy Itself Before It Destroys America? via AntiWar.com by Paul Craig Roberts on May 23, 2007 Excerpt: As everyone except for a dwindling band of Bush supporters now knows, the U.S. is in a terrible situation in Iraq from which it

[political-research] Barnes and Noble cancels Palestinian author’s book reading

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Barnes and Noble cancels Palestinian author’s book reading via MuzzleWatch by Rob Lipton on May 23, 2007 Susan Abulhawa has just written a well reviewed novel “The Scar of David” ‘Abulhawa goes to great lengths to highlight the universal desire of

[political-research] 30 Years Ago, Neocons Were More Candid About Their Israel-Centered Views

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: 30 Years Ago, Neocons Were More Candid About Their Israel-Centered Views via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on May 23, 2007 A little while ago I blogged about Norman Podhoretz's statement in 1979 that neoconservatism arose in part out of a Jewish concern

[political-research] FOX News Guest: We Must Stay in Iraq So Israel Can Bomb Iran - News Hounds

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: FOX News Guest: We Must Stay in Iraq So Israel Can Bomb Iran - News Hounds via John Hagee - Google News on May 23, 2007 FOX News Guest: We Must Stay in Iraq So Israel Can Bomb Iran News Hounds, CA - 3 hours ago Lebanese-American Brigitte Gabriel, a

[political-research] Olbermann: The entire government has failed us on Iraq

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
The Israel lobby wants America in Iraq, the Israel lobby controls the Democratic Party, and brave and daring pundits like Keith Olbermann, who are the hired guns of the neocon-controlled mainstream media, are afraid to discuss the elephant in the living room. Olbermann is complaining about the

[political-research] Philip Giraldi

2007-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Philip Giraldi via Antiwar.com Blog by Scott Horton on May 24, 2007 A former CIA officer said Wednesday that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is not serious about terrorism and ignorant about the Middle East. Former CIA counter-terrorism