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Subject:        [mememachine] The Power of the They: was Did Rice really say 
Date:   Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:34:52 -0600
From:   Alamantra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"The name of the game is find your adversary and your adversaries game plan
is to persuade you that he does not exist" William S Burroughs

Webfairy wrote:
> The Condi Rice gang IS THE TERRORISTS.
> They're the only "terrorists" out there.

"Us and them, and afterall we're only ordinary men." Pink Floyd

One of the greater challenges that one must deal with, in trying to sort
enough of this out to gain a sense of understanding, if not closure, is in
trying to identify "they" ...who "they" are and what makes them different
from "us"

Locked into the Aristotelian dilemma of either/or won't work as there is not
that much of a distinguishing demarcation. For instance, what constitutes an
"American"? Are all "Americans" alike in interest, intensity, disposition
etc?  What about a European or an African? What about a Moslem or a
Christian? How are they alike and how deeply do these identifications run
into the fabric of manifestation itself? How are they different?
 In light of recent history should "we" distinguish this "they" from
"ourselves" by calling "them" "neocons"? If so, once again, by what
qualities exactly can "they" be identified?  The neo-con paradigm is itself
built on a confusing array of so-called "liberal" and so-called
"conservative" values. As "they" have "themselves" stated: A neo-con is a
liberal who got mugged by reality.

Shall we call "them" the American government and then condemn the whole of
that set? In this case the "they" is quite as imaginary as the "terrorists."
I personally don't think "all" members of this 'sub-set' called American
Government are involved, nor do I think that the impetus is confined
strictly within it. My own pet theory goes something like this: Especially
since WWII and throughout the cold war there was an intense networking of
various factions inside the global intelligence community. Governments come
and go, borders get changed ...but, as the old adage goes, the military
remains. In this case substitute 'military' with 'intelligence community'.

As has been said since the alchemists of old: knowledge is power and
therefore if absolute power corrupts absolutely, then one can say that
absolute knowledge does the same. These cliques, which sometimes look like
one group and at other times look like several groups at odds with one
another, use governments, peoples, religions and any other denotion of
collective-division as ontological toys.

Over time these networks aligned, not over state interests or out of
benevolent loyalty to the peoples of countries, but a much more common
ambition: "to get mine." ('Haven't you heard, its a battle of words and most
of them are lies' Pink Floyd) 
These cells operate in numerous countries
under the pretext of serving their governments or people or some otherwise
stated collective agenda, but they really serve themselves. Think about the
kind of people who are drawn to absolute power... In 'merika it should be
pretty easy to see, for example, that the Clintons and Bush I and II have
more in common than not. They are motivated by the lust for power and
control ...which, of course, indicates a lack of both on a more profound
level. As I've heard the mad prophet exclaim upon occasion: Want implies
Lack thereof!

They are not motivated by trying to address the common interest of the
collective and never have been. It takes this kind of drive to "get to the
top" ...When one is standing "on top" what are they standing on? Why, the
mountain of human bodies of course. What is hidden by this mountain, and
buried hopelessly within it? ...the Truth?

 And what is "the Truth"? The Truth is the overall human condition and its
interdependent link with the planetary life sustaining condition, which can
be collectively best understood as the mystery of incarnation. It isn't
necessarily an idealistic sort of "truth" either and there is little reason
to think that we're any closer to its comprehension than we were in the
middle ages. This truth finds no sanctuary within religion as religion is an
artifice created by those who seek power in the form of some sort of divine
approval for their actions. And any single Truth concerning all humans is
certainly not sectarian or in the possession of any nation/states which are
all fictions created by men for the purpose of extorting power and control
from their neighbors.

 And being that I am but one of the bodies constituting the mountain, I
cannot say for another what "the Truth" is either but I can say what I have
found it predicates: That this world, this life, this mystery is just as
much yours or mine as anyone else's be that 'anyone' a George Bush or a King
Solomon. These people who go around crowing that they have "the answer" have
only one answer... their answer as to how they are going to gain control
over the thoughts and actions of others as they improve their own climbing
skills to gain power and get to the top of the mountain. This too, is
predicated by "the Truth."

 Finally there is one other thing (among many) that I have found predicated
on the Truth: "It's easy to become what you hate the most" So when George
Bush (or Tony Blair or any of that ilk) gets on TV and starts talkin' 'bout
the 'terrist ...he becomes one. After all, is he not responsible for the
words that come out of his mouth which are themselves the product of his
thinking? As a person thinketh...  This is an ontological inevitability.

Words inform and shape our thoughts as we learn them and respond to them.
They create information pathways that exclude, filter or distort any
information incompatible with that pathway.  Should I call someone by a
label ...neocon, nigger, jew, mexican, hippy, terrorist ...I am responding
to the traits that I beLIEve distinguish that person as being something
apart from myself, and in doing so I fail to acknowledge our interdependence
and the fact that neither of us really knows anything, and instead
participate in a false dichotomy. I justify the separation of an "us" and
"them" and in so doing, throw much away. I throw away a predication of truth
that acknowledges my time here is finite ...death is a certainty... and I
choose ignorance and denial rather than acceptance and affirmation. See,
neither Bush, Blair, you or myself or anyone else really KNOWS anything
about anything ..In the words of Mark Twain, we "think that we think" and
then we act upon it... In the "us" or "them" ...Bush sees his circle as "us"
and the entire rest of the world as a "them" that is not to be trusted.

"They" perceive this as an absolute condition and an inviolable law of the
universe. "They" are sectarians who are divided in many, many ways, and thus
the emergence of behavioral contradictions with the same time-tested result:
complete schism. I do it too, and the only difference is that I'm willing to
acknowledge it, and not feel badly about it as it seems to be predicated on
the truth of existence. Its the denial that screws things up. Its the guilt
that breeds the fear and its the fear that keeps "us" trapped. It's
terrorism all right ...of a more eternal nature. It breeds religions,
nations and all sorts of weird behavior.

 So its not a matter of "neo-cons" that can be neatly identified in
individual organisms and then extinguished ...or terrists either. Once upon
a time I learned that should one dare to slay the devil, they must become
the devil as nature abhors a vacuum and so the throne must ever remain
occupied by its beLIEvers.

 What does all of this metaphysical gibberish mean on the daily and
practical level? What does it mean POLITICALLY? Many things... Our problems
cannot be voted or impeached out of office as any potential substitute has
been drawn to the office of power by a hunger for THAT particular power
which history suggests is a poisoned well. It means anyone who thirsts for
that particular drink is TOXIC. Also, they can not get in line for that
power unless they are serving a given agenda that is compatible to that
power ...This is why you'll never see a Ron Paul or a Dennis Kucinich in
charge. They have elected to be individuals perceiving an interdependence in
a shared experience ..and this point of view is simply not compatible with a
scheme that advocates an a series of artificial selections imposed by a few
upon the many.

It also means as long as "we" give any sort of tacit consent to the system
...the voting, two parties ...or if you live in the Democratic Republic of
Turdville ...no voting, one dictator ...then we are consenting when we
participate. Then "we" enable "them" to continue to maintain the sectarian
shit that denies any possibility of our own participation in what concerns
all of us equally ...Life.  Life is denied when "we" distinguish "us" from
"them." Bush (or Kerry if you prefer) may be a power-hungry, murdering,
greedy looser ...but 'those' who would identify 'themselves 'INSTEAD as "an
American" ...or "European" condone the very foundation that spawns such
things everytime they gas up the car, eat at McJacks, or buy a lightbulb.

And as I say this, I am not implying that one shouldn't have gas in the car
or be able to turn on a lamp out of FEAR that they are enabling the
capitalist's burden. But in doing so, they should realize that they are no
different than anyone else who participates in the system that we have been
given to work with. They should do so knowing that as long as wealth is
horded by one group, it will be coveted by another ...and since we all are
bound to die... there is no point in this. wealth distributed to all is
WEALTH in that it stirs the inspired and more noble aspects of the human
condition. In a world that offers so much there is absolutely no reason why
everyone on it cannot have sufficient air, water, food, shelter, clothing
and be seen after if they are sick. It is deprivation that always widens the
divide of "us" vs "them". And this is a predication of truth that has found
itself consistent in its observation and just as consitent in its

Whenever we perceive ourselves as an "us" vs a "them" we are invariably
identifying ourselves 'victims' as there is only a "they" when things, be
they physical necessities or something more intangible like information, is
being with-held.

  If all of this sounds confusing and tongue-tied ...well its supposed to.
The other LIE that we act on is that this either/or line can be clearly
defined when, the truth predicates, that it is an arbitrary and usually
superficial distinction. In America, we actually validate through our
behavior that either of two political parties, both more motivated by being
in power than doing any real good with that power, could possibly have all
of the answers to the spaghetti bowl of ills that we, as a people, have been
consuming since ...well... since the beginning. The answers are neither
simple, nor are they static. 

Life is a constant motion of change so the
answers for one generation may not work in another time. So these answers
are not of "truth" itself, but predicated upon it as the "truth" is a
dynamic condition and not a static object. This also means that we can't go
back... and in any case, it would be a mistake to try... to undo technology
...to undo learning ...and impossible and futile exercise. We have to learn
to live with what we create, and we must rectify our actions and creations
with the planetary condition. We must do so individually before it can be
done collectively since the heart of any collective rests in the individual.
This isn't something to be mandated by global warming treatise or the
artificial imposition of nation/states or edicts of law ...It is
self-evident as life is a brief experience for the individual and in order
for it to have quality and purpose it must have relatively clean air,
untainted water and have its nutritional conditions met. The right to demand
these things cannot be contained by any constitution or declaration, but
rests instead in the fact that one has been imbued with incarnation,
discernment and whatever abilities they find themselves in possession of.




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