Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: An Arabist: We All Fear
Armageddon, the Conflict Has Become Religious-ized via Mondoweiss by
Philip Weiss on 7/11/08
I had dinner with a smart friend, an Arabist, from across the sea. Here
are some things he said. What if they are true?

--Egypt had a Parliament and a democracy till 1952 and the takeover by
Nasser and the other officers. Israel’s inception transformed the
entire region. It has had a retrograde effect on all Arab societies.
The appearance of a colonialist militant state, threatening Arab
neighbors, hardened all those states. The Arab dictatorships need to be
rid of the Israel problem in order to reform. If the U.S. were able to
solve the Israel/Palestine problem tomorrow, it would have a staggering
effect on the region in spreading democracy.

--The fear of all moderates in the region is Armageddon. Because look
at it: the struggle has become religiosized. The religious parties are
taking over in Israel and in the Occupied Territories. Religious people
don’t care about destroying the world if they are right. (This is
precisely what Israeli negotiator Tal Becker said at the AIPAC
conference!) And just think, Iraq may be the worst. In ten years they
might be the most religious, Israel-hating society of all.

--I will tell you how the Arab societies feel about the Jewish state.
Today: they don’t care that it is there. This is new. There was a time
in the 70s and the 80s when the peace talks meant nothing. They said,
we will take care of Israel later. Sign the deal now, come back later
and take care of the Jewish state. Now they don’t feel that way. They
say: It’s not going anywhere. We have to move forward. We are tired of
this. Let us get on with life. There are just two issues to be
resolved: there must be compensation for the Palestinians who were
expelled and whose property was confiscated, in 1948, and Jerusalem.
Jerusalem cannot be undivided. Because of the great religious sites.

--The Israelis wanted war. Look at the Lavon Affair. Egypt was close to
making a deal, in the 1950s. Sharett was for it. Ben Gurion was out of
power, but he didn’t want an accommodation with Egypt, he wanted more
antagonism. Without that, the Israeli state could not grow. The
Diaspora Jews would not support it, and all the millions of Arab Jews
in Baghdad, Morocco, and Egypt, they wouldn’t leave, they had no desire
to leave, unless there was more disturbance.

--Look what the Camp David peace deal did to Egyptian society: froze
the dictatorship in place. The president of Egypt gets billions from
the U.S. to use as he likes. In a democracy, he would have to seek the
consent of the people.

--Look what has happened to your society. You used to have an old boy
network. They made sure their children got into the elite schools, the
elite jobs. That changed in the 90s. The WASP elite is over. What have
you replaced it with. A meritocracy. Obama can be president. That is
good. But where is the elite cohesion? I see only one group with power
and espirt de corps in your society. The Zionists. Sheldon Adelson and
Ari Fleischer and Doug Feith, marching off into history. Who will take
them on? Can the WASPs regroup? (I laughed).

--The lobby is the real reason your society went to war. There was no
oil interest in going to war. The oil interest was in lifting
sanctions, and getting oil to $5 a barrel. Yes I agree Cheney may have
had fantasies. But the real reason was Bernard Lewis saying, we must
smash an Arab capital, because all they respect is force.

--Look at your presidents, what is the lesson of Middle East policy.
Carter took on the lobby, so did George H.W. Bush. Neither of them had
a second term. Bill Clinton learned the lesson, so did George W. Bush.
I know how upset people are about Iran getting nukes. In 1963, John F
Kennedy warned Levi Eshkol that Israel must not get nukes. There are
rumors on the internet that Kennedy was killed because of this. Who can
take that seriously? But imagine if there is a civil war in Israeli
society over giving up the West Bank. That could happen. Are you
worried about those nukes?

--The power of the internet is not understood. Look at your blog.
Aren’t you afraid that the antisemites read you (Yes, I say, but I am a
journalist and my country is in crisis and I need to talk about this
stuff). The problem is that your mainstream media can't talk about
these ideas and people now find their company on the internet. It can
have a dynamic effect. Let me tell you something. The printing press
was the most important blow for nationalism in history. Before that
people could not speak their own language to their own people. Rome
ruled, and communicated in Latin. 100 years before Martin Luther a
Czech priest was burned at the stake for saying what Luther would say.
What changed? The printing press came, and they could not stop the
reformation. This was a convulsive period in history. In 1609 there
were 21 million Germans. By the time they signed the treaty of
Westphalia in 1648 there were 9 or 10 million Germans. Half the
population, destroyed because of the rise of nationalism. What will the
internet unleash?

--There were times when religions actually brought people together.
They understood their commonality, above nation and ethnicity. We need
a superreligion now, when the religions are fighting one another, well
above the nations.

--We need to speak to the black Sudanese Muslim. He sees the
Palestinian being beaten on television and the whole world collapses
for him into Israeli oppression, sponsored by the U.S. Why is that
black Mulsim focused on a white man being beaten more than a thousand
miles away? The Arab world needs to change that, so does the U.S.

My friend is a pessimist. I'm an optimist. We were sitting at a bar. I
grabbed a napkin and wrote the number 62 percent. That is the figure on
intermarriage among American Jews under 35. It is just a fact of
American leadership culture. These Jews are not tribalist. These Jews
are representative of the next generation of universalist Jews,
empowered and educated, who will know Arabs. They will help to lead my
society out of these bonds into the future.

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