-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [911InsideJobbers] Betting pool on the likelihood of a seismic 
strike against Iran
Date:   Sat, 07 Jan 2006 21:30:58 -0000
From:   Lynn Ertell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Prof. McCanney on RBN .... 
I know you all keep up with Prof. McCanney from the
Katrina/Rita/tsunami/seismic ops/ scalar weapons discussions we had
back in the Fall.

He's getting into attacking "disinformation" about the "2012 Mayan
Calendar scam"  (another Y2K scare), "Planet-X" stuff.
Solar system impacts on earth climate.
I don't know what to make of him ?
Didn't McCanney teach at Cornell ? 

With all the talk of taking out Iran's nuke power installation (where
Russian consultants are living and working) - by either a US or an
Israeli strike....
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to target Iran with a seismic op,
rather than a "conventional" one ?

Is their targeting precision sufficiently within margin-of-error, to
deliver an "credible" seismic strike against an Iranian facility ?
And what would be the intended effect ?
Infra-structural... or purley symbolic... or both ?   
Wouldn't it more effectively grant them plausible deniability, to use
an apparent "act of God" to mask an offensive strike against the
Iranians ?
Would they decide on a militarily insignificant and purely symbolic
target, in terms of actual damage to infrastructure ?
Or would they actually target a hard site and risk spreading
contamination ?

Their capabilities to deliver such a seismic strike would be problematic:
If they use it too aggressively, they risk blowing the cover on
potentially ALL of their black weapons projects, by unleashing the
wrong kind of blowback from public knowledge.
It might be the equivalent  of Toto ripping back the curtain to expose
the Wiz, in front of Dorothy and all the little munchkins.   

On the other hand, earthquakes are pretty common in Iran these days,
aren't they ?
Pretty easy to say ...."You Iranians are just being paranoid... this
really shows that God is punishing you for threatening Israel and
opening up your own bourse in oil." 

Now.. consider this speculative question:

If we assume they have the capability to precisely take out any target
in Iran (nuclear or otherwise) with a seismic op, which they would
then broadcast as  "an earthquake"; what does it then reveal ...
psychologically speaking .... 
about their apparent willingness to unleash an Israeli air strike ...
or a US attack ?

You see what I'm driving at here ?
These people have rather impressive operational and technological
capabilities; that the average techno-peasant, especially in America,
doesn't have a clue about.

How much do they have to worry about exposing and mainstreaming
essential info about their black weapons capabilities; while at the
same time continuing to use them as props for plausible deniability.
I'm thinking here of the Gulf HAARP-icanes, or this past New Year's
global quakes, for example.
And balancing the "blowback" of those against the calcualted risks and
psychic-impact effects of using open aggressive military force, in
either an air strike or invasion (or, God forbid, occupation) of the
target ?
See what I'm getting at here ?
Truly, as John Alexander foretold, "the mind is the ultimate
battlefield", in post-modern  warfare.

It's the intended PSYchological effect that is the motive here.
The operational choice (military aggression vs. engineered "acts of
God") is secondary.
The plot-line has to increasingly occupy the primary and central stage
of the whole circus.
And much mystique and staging and props and stars are required to
sustain that.

A "natural" disaster movie seems much simpler to pull off, in terms of
details and expense, than does an overtly "political" act of military

Therefore the deliberate choice to use naked military aggression has
to be taken extremely seriously, as a statement of bravado and an
assertion of direct dominance.

At the point where scalar weapons and their various black cousins are
displayed openly (Hiroshima-Nagasaki style), then we will know for
sure the level of hubris passed by these sociopaths.

I should reference here an excellent HBO film directed by Bruce
Beresford, with Antonio Banderas and Alan Arkin giving brilliant
performances ("And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself"), about an
obscure yet crucial synthesis of modern war/revolution with the age of
silent cinema.
By the climax of the revolution (in both the film and in real
history), Pancho Villa is re-arranging and re-scheduling his plans for
his strategically critical "siege of Torreon", in 1914, to accommodate
the best lighting and scenic requirements of  camera men and director
sent by D.W. Griffith to do the "shoot", for the movie  about Pancho
Villa .... where REAL blood and guts are spilled all over the screen,
for the first time in history.  Villa is even induced by the producer
to sign a contract, binding him to only stage a military assault in
broad daylight , to best handle the lighting limitations of those
primitive movie film cameras.   

Also a re-reading of the first chapter of Maj.Gen. John Keegan's
excellent "A History of Warfare"; in which he describes the strange
and ritualistic  character of early warfare, and its continuing to
show such an exotic quality in the warfare practices of the Aztecs and
other pre-Columbian societies.

Warfare was conducted as a "show", with great ritualistic and even
religious significance.
Where the death and destruction and logistical cost in casualties was
secondary to the necessary delivery of certain KEY SYMBOLIC MESSAGES.

I see the re-emergence of that phenomenon now, in the necessary
development of complex and highly-structured campaigns of
psychological warfare against large populations.
And there is nothing about it that is especially occult, esoteric,
mystical or "spiritual" ...

It's still gangsterism.
It's still the threat of violence and aggression and the demand for
Using the implied threat, alongside the threat made manifest.

But which aspects of the thuggery are made manifest in the open, and
which are played as background noise ?
The distinction there identifies more clearly, who the target
population is, and what the long-term plot-line is for that subtly
targeted demographic.

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