Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Four Reasons Why
Israelis Don’t “Get” Obama via The Magnes Zionist by
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry Haber) on 8/30/08
Over the past year, the reactions to Obama in Israel have ranged from
mockery to incredulity to suspicion. The suspicion has been allayed by
the candidate in recent months, and most intelligent Israelis are
confident that Obama is "ok" on Israel, if a bit soft on Iran. Of
course, the Israeli right is more apprehensive. Most Israelis I know
don't believe he will get elected president. Just as most Israelis a
six months ago didn't believe that he would win the Democratic

In fact, most Israelis I know don't understand Obama, either the man,
or the phenomenon. And I am not just talking about the man-on-the
–street. I am talking about people who should know better, like the
Washington correspondants for Haaretz, or my university colleagues. In
America, whether you are Democrat or Republican, you generally "get"
what is going on with Obama. In Israel, whether you are on the left or
the right, you don't.

Even American-Israeli Obama supporters, like Haaretz writer Bradley
Burston, don't understand what is going on. Burston wrote a column
called "What Scares Us About Obama". Burston calls himself a "foreign
visitor" in American and yet his "us" turns out to be Americans. Now,
certainly many Americans will not vote for Obama, and he may lose the
general election. But on the day Burston wrote his piece, Obama was
either tied or ahead of McCain in every national poll. So to ask the
question, "Why Americans are afraid of Obama" is more than slightly
bizarre. His evidence for the fear? Louisiana has voted for the winning
presidential candidate for the last 36 years, and McCain is ahead in
Louisiana. That race may be a factor in a deep south state like
Louisiana is, apparently, not entertained by Burston.

You want evidence for fear of Obama? Try McCain's decision to tap Sarah
Palin for the VP slot. That is his "Hail-Mary" play – with third and
twenty-five, he uncorks the long bomb (American football talk).

But I wish to focus on Israelis, not American Jews who have moved to
Israel like Burston and myself. Here are four reasons not why Israelis
fear Obama – they don't – but why they don't understand him.

1. Cynicism about politics. Israeli politicians are generally so
mediocre, not to mention corrupt, that it is hard for Israelis to
understand why anybody would be enthuiastic about a politician. They
have little faith in the Knesset, and recent leaders of the country
have been plagued by financial corruption scandals. The idea of "public
service " through politics is foreign to them. What they understand is
service to one's "sector". So when Obama comes along, Israelis
alternately blink uncomprehendingly and smirk. The last person who
inspired some sort of idealistic enthusiasm– Ehud Barak in the late
nineties – produced even bigger disillusionment after he was elected.

2. Religio-Racism. The Israelis are probably no more racist than other
folks, but "gizanut/racism" in Israel is considered a sin only by the
Left. Since Israeli Jews consider themselves (wrongly) free of racism,
because they are Jews, there is no education in the schools against
racism. And so what would be considered politically incorrect in the
US, even by Republicans, is considered wrong only by a small section of
the Israeli population. If you don't believe me, talk with Ethiopian
Jews. At best, it is not considered bon ton to be biased against other
Jews. As for Arabs, and I mean, Palestinian citizens of Israel, there
is not even a pretence of it being politically incorrect to be
prejudiced against them. Since they are Arab they are ipso facto a
threat to Israeli security.

3. Ethnic-nationalism vs. civic nationalism. In American, any citizen
is part of the American people, and so any citizen should be able to
become President – at least, if he or she is native born. So there is
something genuinely exciting when a member of a discriminated group
like Obama gets nominated. But in Israel, you can be a citizen for
generations, and still be excluded from the nation – since Israel is a
Jewish state. A woman, a black, a Jew, may not have a good chance of
becoming president – but in Israel, an Arab citizen has no chance of
being prime minister or president – not only because he or she is part
of a minority, but because it is a Jewish state. Were one to argue that
a Jew cannot be a president because America is a Christian nation (and
no doubt some would argue that), the overwhelming amount of Americans,
at least leaders, would reject that.

4. The Occupation. When an African American like Obama succeeds, it
reminds Israelis, especially Israeli liberals, of the moral and
political deficiencies of its democracy . Israel holds 3 ½ million
people under Occupation indefinitely without fundamental rights, and b)
it refuses to grant a little over ¾ million non-Jewish citizens serious
political power because of their ethnic origin. Since the founding of
the State, only Jewish parties have been invited into the ruling
coalition – since Israeli is a Jewish state. The success of Obama holds
up a mirror to Israelis, and the liberal and centrists don't like how
they look.

By the time the Israelis wake up, Obama will be in the White House.
Once again, we will be on the wrong side of history.

Remember how we cheered Nixon months before his resignation?

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