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About Walt-Mearsheimer via Israel News | by One Jerusalem on Aug 22,
In their new book entitled The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy to be
published this September 4, Professors Stephen Walt (Harvard) and John
Mearsheimer (U Chicago) are resurrecting their argument from last year
that US foreign policy has been hijacked by supporters of Israel, who
are undermining the US national interest. They see no compelling US
interest in supporting Israel, which emerges in their analysis as
a "strategic liability." They even go one step further stating that one
of the direct results of this lobbying effort was the 2003 Iraq War,
which they vociferously oppose along with the policies of the Bush

American Jewish groups are concerned with an anti-Semitic backlash from
the book.

Dore Gold, Israel's former ambassador to the UN, has concluded that the
Walt-Mearsheimer thesis is not just insidious; it is also plain wrong.
In a response to their claims, he provides details about the close
strategic ties that have bonded the US and Israel and created a virtual
alliance between the two countries. Using declassified documents, he
traces this alliance back to President John F. Kennedy. He describes
how the relationship got its biggest boost from President Ronald
Reagan, and he supplies information about joint military exercises and
US naval visits to Haifa. He also shows how after the Cold War, the
alliance has even grown further. Moreover, he points out that much of
the relationship is in sensitive intelligence channels, to which
academics like Walt and Mearsheimer have no access. has reported that former Secretary of State George
Shultz has concluded that their work is "a conspiracy theory pure and
simple and scholars at great universities should be ashamed to
promulgate it."

This is not just a debate launched by two relatively obscure academics
inside the walls of university campuses. They are planning to take
their incendiary assertions and launch a major PR drive in the
mainstream media.

They are seeking to obtain a segment on CBS News' 60 Minutes and their
ideas have already been covered in a major article on August 16 in the
New York Times. Some organizations, who feel their past analysis on
this subject was unsubstantiated and needlessly inflamative, have
refused to give them a platform. In response, there have been
sympathetic bloggers, like Time Magazine's Scott MacLeod , who
advocated on the Time-Blog letting the two professors engage in "free
discussion" even over this previously "taboo" subject. Daily Kos has
featured their ideas repeatedly. Ironically while criticizing lobbying
organizations like AIPAC that strongly support US-Israeli ties, Walt
and Mearsheimer have allowed themselves to be adopted by CAIR-the
Council for American-Islamic Relations, which defends various Middle
Eastern causes in Washington (AIPAC takes no non-American donations,
CAIR obtains support from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates).

Walt and Mearsheimer are not objective; they have taken sides. They not
only want to sell books, they want to affect the future of the debate
over the Middle East, as well.

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