Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Big O via James
Wolcott's Blog by James Wolcott on 6/16/08
"Let no one underestimate it. Barack Obama has won big," Immanuel
Wallerstein writes in his latest commentary. "He has not only won the
Democratic nomination for president. He is going to sweep the elections
with a large majority of the Electoral College and a considerable
increase in Democratic strength in both houses of the Congress." What
gives Wallerstein such prognosticatory confidence?
I have just done an analysis comparing McCain's state by state strength
in the latest polls and Bush's proportion of the actual votes in 2004.
In 45 of the 50 states, McCain is weaker, often much weaker, than Bush
was. And in the other five, he is about the same. Of course, if Bush
had won a state by a large margin, McCain will still win it albeit by a
smaller one. But in the states that were close in 2004, the tide is in
Obama's favor.

Furthermore, we have to realize that McCain is currently at the top of
his strength. The Democratic Party is now reunifying and hungry for
winning. Obama will lose almost none of the traditional Democratic
percentages among women and Jews. He will increase the national
percentage among Latinos and will bring in a very large number of young
people and African-Americans who otherwise would not have voted. He
will also get the votes of the considerable number of independents and
Republicans disillusioned with Bush. The people who will vote against
Obama because he is African-American were almost all already going to
vote Republican. This issue is behind him, not in front of him.

The Republicans, on the other hand, are still deeply divided and quite
morose. The Christian right still doesn't trust McCain, and so far is
dragging its feet...

And while the Christian right scrapes its shoe leather, Obama has come
a-courting. In a piece in the New York Post on the Obama
campaign's "Joshua Generation Project," Maureen Callahan observes:
Obama speaks easily and comfortably about his faith; McCain does not.
Obama has been quietly courting evangelicals, holding an off-the-record
meeting with the nation's biggest leaders in Chicago last Wednesday;
McCain famously (and rightly) called Falwell and Robertson "agents of
intolerance," then further alienated evangelicals by clumsily (and
rightly) disposing of the Reverends Hagee and Parsley.

In short, McCain seems to be ceding the religious right - which has
voted Republican ever since Reagan - to the Democrats.

"Obama is going to have more success with evangelicals than
conventional wisdom might suggest," says Mark DeMoss, who runs one of
the country's top evangelical PR firms...

"It would not surprise me if he got up to 40 percent of the evangelical
vote," DeMoss says...

"I'm an orthodox Christian, and I am definitely drawn to Obama," says
Patton Dodd, a 33-year-old editor at Dodd adds that many
of his peers like Obama too: "Last week I had lunch with the publisher
of the nation's main evangelical youth publishing company and the
director of a big relief organization," he says. "They are hardcore
Obama supporters. They donate."

Dodd thinks that Obama's message of compassion for the sick and the
poor, the critical state of the environment, and interfaith unity is
particularly resonant; issues that were once non-negotiable, such as
abortion, have been relegated by younger evangelicals to the dustbin of
wedge issues. "I asked someone about abortion, and he said, 'I'm less
concerned with policies that kill the unborn than policies that kill
the living.' This generation wants the culture wars to be over. [my
italics] We want a truce. We hate the metaphor that we battle for

To read this in the pages of the New York Post--what a head-trip.

Even if Obama wins as big as Wallerstein predicts, there will still be
limitations on how much he can achieve, given the magnitude of the
malignancies Bush will leave behind. But cleanup is one thing--the
larger question is, how much of the Bush legacy is Obama willing to
undo? Wallerstein:
The biggest unknown is how far he will go to dismantle the quasi-police
state structures that the Bush regime has instituted under the umbrella
of a war against terrorism. This involves far more than appointing
better judges. It means a radical revising of both legislation and
executive policies and exposing the ultra-secret rules and practices to
the light of day. Much can be done, as we know from what was
accomplished in the 1970s, reining in the CIA and the FBI. But the
situation is worse now and requires more. History may well judge Obama
most of all on what he does in this domain. Up to now, he has been
quite silent about this arena.

The abolition of the Homeland Security department would be a nice place
to start, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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