Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: What Happens When
Superpower Air Defenses Really Fail via - Paying
Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by Michael Morrissey on
Eleven years ago yesterday the trial against Matthias Rust began in
Moscow. A few months earlier, on May 28, 1987, the 19-year-old German
had landed his single-engine Cessna about 100 meters from Red Square.
There are still unanswered questions about how this amateur pilot was
able to penetrate what Bill Keller of the New York Times called “the
world’s most vaunted air defenses” (NYT, June 7, 1987).

There is no question, though, about the aftermath:

“With surprising speed and openness, Defense Minister Sergei L.
Sokolov, 75, was retired. The commander of the air defense system,
Marshal Aleksandr I. Koldunov, was sacked with a harsh rebuke from the
ruling Politburo. Other senior military figures were expected to be
removed more quietly.”

Tom LeCompte wrote in Air & Space Magazine, July 1, 2005:

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