[How do we know that Google and its friends aren't data mining the
entire Google database -- including *ALL* private records? Google has
already displayed a certain heavy-handed editorial bias which makes one
wonder how open it would be to appeals for help from Mossad. For
instance: rank all Google users by mentions of Mossad (including in all
their supposedly private files -- Gmail and the like). No harm, no foul
-- a holy cause can easily justify privacy violations.]

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: What if Google Were
Evil? Doctorow Asks in Fiction via John Battelle's Searchblog on 9/17/07

BB pal Cory Doctorow has published a short story on the theme of Google
as evildoer. The opening scene imagines Google services used by the
Department of Homeland Security.

The interrogator in the secondary screening room was an older man, so
skinny he looked like he'd been carved out of wood. His questions went
a lot deeper than shrooms.

"Tell me about your hobbies. Are you into model rocketry?"


"Model rocketry."

"No," Greg said, "No, I'm not." He sensed where this was going.

The man made a note, did some clicking. "You see, I ask because I see a
heavy spike in ads for rocketry supplies showing up alongside your
search results and Google mail."

Greg felt a spasm in his guts. "You're looking at my searches and
e-mail?" He hadn't touched a keyboard in a month, but he knew what he
put into that search bar was likely more revealing than what he told
his shrink.

"Sir, calm down, please. No, I'm not looking at your searches," the man
said in a mocking whine. "That would be unconstitutional. We see only
the ads that show up when you read your mail and do your searching. I
have a brochure explaining it. I'll give it to you when we're through

"But the ads don't mean anything," Greg sputtered. "I get ads for Ann
Coulter ring tones whenever I get e-mail from my friend in Coulter,

The man nodded. "I understand, sir. And that's just why I'm here
talking to you. Why do you suppose model rocket ads show up so

It gets far richer from there...

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