Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: What is Search 3.0
anyway? via Alt Search Engines by Charles Knight on 6/11/08
This is the first in a series of posts that I would like to do about
Search 3.0.

I have heard a variety of ways to frame that concept, and here is just
one of them:

Search 1.o is Linear. Strictly up and down. Just like these Google
results, you can only go up and down, even if you have 100 results that
you want to browse. ( could show you all 100 in a single

Then there’s Search 2.0 which is two-dimensional. Now you can move up,
down, left, and right, as with this tag cloud. (Same query
as above) As you explore with your mouse, the results change
automatically. (See also

Recently we have moved into Search 3.0 which is obviously 3-D. Here is
a new application of Viewzi. You should also look at or Up, down, left, right, forward and backwards. But is this
just “eye candy?’ Not at all.

Just consider the usefulness of a one column list of all U.S. cities
versus what you can do with a road map, versus a globe. If you want to
see - quickly - the relationship between where Richard, Nitin, Peggy,
Rafi and I live, I think you would want a globe. A flat map of the
world would not cut it - until you tried to make it into a ball. (See
the movie Contact!)

Can there be a Search 4.0 in this scheme? Search 4.0 would have to add
“time” wouldn’t it? Well, is that so hard? What I will be looking for
is one of these new 3-D search engines that continuously update the
results (as they are discovered or crawled by the engine). Yes, hitting
“refresh” does update the results, but it should be automatic - without
any action by the user. Comments?

*Thanks to Jean-Noël for this tip!

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