_Abizaid:  World could abide nuclear Iran - Yahoo! News_ 

"......John  Abizaid, the retired Army general who headed Central Command for 
nearly  four years, said he was confident that if Iran gained nuclear arms, 
the United  States could deter it from using them. 
"Iran is not a suicide nation," he said. "I mean, they may have some  people 
in charge that don't appear to be rational, but I doubt that the  Iranians 
intend to attack us with a nuclear  weapon........"

Peace, Hugs, and Purrs, 
"No one man can terrorize a  whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." 
Edward R  Murrow
Remember the fallen, fight for the weak, 
share with  all, and reincarnate to another galaxy -
but first restore the  Constitution !
Carolyn Rose Goyda
Saint Louis,  Missouri, USA

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