In 2002, Michael Pugliese was attacking Michel Chossudovsky, 
Mike Ruppert, and Cynthia McKinney, for what he called their 
"right-wing conspiracy theories" about 9/11 and the Neocons.  
Now he's popped up again, smearing Alex Jones and the American 
Free Press.  Apparently he's been reactivated.  

In addition to Pugliese, 9/11 truth researchers (especially 
Steven Jones and David Ray Griffin) are being attacked by about 
two dozen agents in the Webfairy/Haupt/etc No-Planes-Hit-the-WTC 
COINTELPRO gang, and also by Ed Ward, who is currently shouting 
all over the Net that the WTC was blown up by (nonexistent) 
"micro H-Bombs".*  

This in addition to the usual smear articles in the mainstream 

We sure must be doing something right!  


* The above-normal levels of tritium in the debris actually 
came from the smashed emergency exit glow signs in the planes.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 07:45:16PM -0600, Michael Pugliese wrote:
>On 6/29/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>    No, I've never seen a physical copy of the American Free Press.  
>>    If there is a particular article from it which you would like to discuss, 
>> be my guest.
>   On your list there was at least 131 cites of that neo-Nazi faux
>populist rag but, you who claim to have read hundreds of articles in
>Commentary dating back to the 40's, have never bothered to check it
>out directly?
>   Is your standard, well if it opposes what I oppose, I don't care if
>its underlying politics is Fascist? That would be as politically
>stupid as old sixties radicals I've known, who grew to hate liberal
>Democrats like LBJ so much, they had books by John Birch Society
>writers on their bookshelves. Or old Stalinists, I've known, so bitter
>in their hatred of Trotskyists and Democratic Socialists (who were
>correct in their critique of the USSR, when the CPUSA and its fellow
>travellers persisted in their illusions) they would also cite
>Right-Wing agitprop against their leftist opponents.
>Michael Pugliese

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