Marine recruiter engaged in an unprovoked assault on two demonstrators outside the recruiting center
Spotlight on those members of the corporate media and public relations spin machine
Another massive data theft for Total Info Awareness
New Federal law on citizenship proof for Medicare, (Rest note-W/usual trolls & provocateurs?) demonstrates the definite links between anti-immigration forces and the Ku Klux Klan

July 1, 2006 -- A former top Defense Department official has told WMR that he fears the Bush administration will pull off another "911" before the November election. The official stated that the next 911 will be used as a pretext for shipping U.S. citizens of Middle East descent to mass detention camps, establish martial law, impose strict censorship, and finally eliminate the power of the Congress and the Supreme Court over the president. "The next 911 will be much more like the Reichstag fire in terms of creating a dictatorship," said the official.

Bush to pull off another 9-11 before Nov. election?

July 3, 2006 --
This Marine belongs in Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta --
 in one of those open-air cages with the scorpions, snakes, tarantulas, and centipedes:
From Iraq Veterans for Peace:
"The following is a statement that is being circulated regarding an incident at the military recruiting station on Orange Street in New Haven on Wednesday, June 28. A baseball bat-wielding Marine recruiter engaged in an unprovoked assault on two demonstrators outside the recruiting center and then seized the cell phone belonging to another demonstrator who had witnessed and photographed the assault. There are plans for a rally and press conference outside the recruiting center for July 5 at 5PM. The National Lawyers Guild was contacted immediately after the incident by organizers who were looking for legal assistance because, among other things, the New Haven police were trying to discourage the victimsf rom making a complaint against the recruiter ¡ª
apparently at least one officer expressed the opinion that having an anti-war demonstration outside a military recruiting center was a ¡°provocation.¡± The question that this incident must raise is this:
 if a US Marine recruiter, while safely ensconced behind a desk in an air-conditioned office in New Haven, working in a position that plainly keeps him in the public eye, feels free to use a baseball bat to beat a protester . . .
 then how much restraint do we imagine that his compatriots use against Iraqis? I would strongly urge people to participate in the rally on July 5.
The movement needs to respond in a strong and clear voice to violence against demonstrators, and all the more so when it comes from government personnel and is calculated to discourage political opposition. -- Peter Goselin, NLG-CT."

July 2/3, 2006 --
WMR is going to begin a new feature, a spotlight on those members of the corporate media and public relations spin machine, and their mostly GOP/neo-con shill relatives, especially their spouses.
Our first spotlight is directed at Howard Kurtz, the ostentatious apologist for the Bush administration in his coverage of the corporate media for the elitist Washington Post. The following chart will be expanded and serve as a permanent feature on WMR (additions are welcomed):
This may go a long way in explaining why the corporate media is so biased in favor of the Bush regime. This morning, many corpo-media web sites are featuring the "celebration" ceremony of the conservative lickspittle candidate in Mexico's presidential election before all the votes have been counted. We urge our Mexican readers to provide us with a list of the GOP operatives and Democratic Leadership Council Fifth Columnists and traitors to the progressive cause who descended upon your country during the election campaign to engage in vote fraud.
Based on the early reports of fraud throughout Mexico, American Democrats and progressives should seek judicial restraining orders barring these Gringo "campaign consultants" from having anything to do with our own election in November if we can prove their recent illegal activities across the southern border. If child molesters can be prevented by court order from getting anywhere near a school or playground, the same should hold true for those who engage in electoral fraud working at polling place or campaign headquarters.
 Job title of spouse/relative
Howard Kurtz, Washington Post Sheri Annis (wife) Pres. Fourth Estate Strategies, GOP campaign consultant, 2002 spokesperson for Arnold Schwarzenegger, media consultant for various anti-immigration California propositions, including Prop. 227, which eliminated various California bi-lingual education programs. Has written for the neo-con National Review.
Campbell Brown, NBC News Dan Senor (husband) Former Coalition Provisional Authority chief spokesman, contributor to Fox News, former intern for American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), senior associate of The Carlyle Group. director US-Israel Business Exchange (USIBEX),
  Wendy Senor Singer (sister-in-law) Head of AIPAC office in Jerusalem.
  Saul Singer (brother-in-law) Opinion editor of Jerusalem Post.
Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, Karl Rove adviser, formerly with The New Republic. Barbara Ledeen (wife) Staffer, Senate Republican Conference.
  Simone Ledeen (daughter) Former Iraq Coalition Provisional Authrity adviser to occupation Iraqi Ministry of Finance for northern Iraqi affairs
Brit Hume, Managing Editor, Fox News, Washington Kim Schiller Hume (wife) Fox News Washington Bureau Chief, Vice President Fox News.
Carl Cameron, Fox News Pauline Cameron (wife) Campaigned for George W. Bush's 2000 election.
John Ellis, Fox News George W.  Bush (cousin) In charge of 2000 election projections for Fox News.
Tucker Carlson, MSNBC Richard Carlson (father) Vice Chairman of neo-con Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), member Scooter Libby Legal Defense Fund Trust
Danielle Pletka, American Enterprise Institute Stephen Rademaker (husband) Then-Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton's deputy.
Veronique Rodman, American Enterprise Institute Peter Rodman (husband) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Former senior editor of National Review and signatory of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Although PNAC recently closed its doors, its core members are connected to successor neo-con elements, including FDD and the Committee on the Present Danger.
Bob Schieffer, CBS News Tom Schieffer (brother) U.S. Ambassador to Japan, former U.S. Ambassador to Australia, G. W. Bush's Manager of Texas Rangers.
Anne Applebaum, Washington Post Radek Sikorski (husband) Defense Minister of Poland, former Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Jim VandeHei, Washington Post Autumn Hanna (wife) Former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay.
Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Alan Greenspan (husband) Former Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank

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July 3, 2006 --
WMR has learned of another massive data theft that was initially reported in February of this year. Providence Health Homes Services of Portland, Oregon reported the theft of data tapes and disks that contained the names, Social Security Numbers, and medical information on 365,000 patients in Oregon and Washington who receive home health care. In March, Providence Hospice and Home Care of Snohomish County, Washington reported an additional theft of two laptop computer (one stolen from an employee's car) containing medical and other personal data on over 100 hospice and home care patients.
The epidemic of personal data thefts continue on a daily basis. WMR can only wonder why the major media will not cover this story in detail. Our sources have confirmed the thefts are part of a covert U.S. intelligence program to secretly populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases. The White House bluster about the New York Times and its stories on SWIFT monitoring and NSA warrantless eavesdropping likely have more to do with warning the media away from covering the data theft program. As our readers will notice, we are not intimidated by the White House or the right wing blatherers in reporting illegal and continuing U.S. government violations of the Constitution.
July 2, 2006 --
 New Federal law on citizenship proof for Medicare, spurred by Southern GOP Congressmen and Minuteman vigilantes, demonstrates the definite links between anti-immigration forces and the Ku Klux Klan. As the result of the passage of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005, those applying for or renewing their Medicaid coverage are required to provide "satisfactory documentary evidence of U.S. citizenship" in order to receive or continue their medical benefits. This law affects some 53 million Americans. The law went into effect yesterday, July 1. Accepted proofs of citizenship are original birth certificates, certificates of naturalization, and certificates of citizenship, as well as passports.
However, for many elderly African-Americans, who were born during a time when African-American women who were delivering babies were not permitted admission to hospitals in the South, birth certificates are not available. Similarly, the mentally ill, homeless, transient population (including those who lost all their documents as a result of natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina), and those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction will be hard pressed to provide original copies of documents.
There is no evidence that any widespread fraud has taken place involving Medicaid assistance to illegal aliens in the United States. A Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Inspector general's report issued last year found no evidence of Medicaid fraud involving illegal immigrants. Nevertheless, the GOP, seeking to cater to its racist base, chose to target poor and elderly African-Americans and a program on which they rely for basic medical services.
The DRA was introduced by two GOP Georgia Representatives, Charlie Norwood and Nathan Deal. They hail from the same state that has introduced Jim Crow-like requirements that all voters provide a photo ID at the polling place. This is seen as a not-so-veiled attempt to prevent African-Americans who lack drivers' licenses from voting. Amid the anti-immigration xenophobia being waged by the radical Right, the DRA wa signed by President Bush in February. The law follows a series of laws drawn up by the racists ad ageists in the GOP who have targeted Arab-Americans and Muslims, Latinos, and now poor and elderly African-Americans and others who are reliant on Medicaid. It is the culmination of the Republican Party falling under the complete control of right-wing xenophobes with strong links to the KKK.
A recent Minutemen rally: No mistaking their true intentions. Proof of KKK and Nazi ties to GOP members of Congress (Charlie Norwood and Nathan Deal of Georgia) evident in new restrictive Medicaid law that targets elderly African-Americans, the mentally ill, and the homeless, among others.

July 2, 2006 --
There has been another theft of sensitive personal data in the continuing epidemic of such thefts across the United States. WMR has been reporting the thefts are part of a covert Bush administration program to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) databases secretly maintained by the National Security Agency. This time the target was, once again, the American Red Cross's blood donor database. A laptop computer containing the names, dates of  birth, and diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, of donors in Texas and Oklahoma, was stolen from a locked Red Cross office closet in the Dallas area. A similar theft of a laptop containing similar Red Cross blood donor information from the same office was reported in June 2005. The American Red Cross contends that in both thefts of donor data the information was encrypted and required a password. However, considering these thefts are being carried out by a covert, carve-out team of contractors working for U.S. intelligence, commercial-grade encryption is easily broken.

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