The Basis library documentation for OS.IO suggests that it should be possible 
to get one's hand on a primitive reader or writer iodesc by pulling things 
apart to get PrimIO values.

Doing type-directed programming, I thought I might do this for a 
TextIO.outstream with

   > val getIOD = (fn TextPrimIO.WR r => #ioDesc r) o #1 o 
TextIO.StreamIO.getWriter o TextIO.getOutstream;
   val getIOD = fn: TextIO.outstream -> OS.IO.iodesc option

This has the right type (and I couldn't see any other way of getting the right 
type).  Unfortunately, I can't run it:

   > getIOD TextIO.stdOut;
   Exception Io raised while writing to stdOut.

terminating the session.

If this had worked, I then hoped to be able to call Posix.FileSys.iodToFD on 
the value, if there was one, and to then eventually call Posix.ProcEnv.isatty 
on the result of that, if present.

Is there a right way to do this?

Many thanks,


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