2007/5/29, Landry Breuil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I've just stumbled upon a really weird issue here (a friend of mine can
confirm, he had the same problem on 4.1 too) trying bitlbee.
Installed from packages, running with inetd.
I can connect to it, register an account, add IM accounts (tried with
ICQ/JABBER), but at the moment i 'connect it' with 'account on', it stalls,
and after ~250 sec it says "couldn't connect to host" for both protocols.

I tcpdumped/netstat'ed, and saw that to resolve the servers (login.icq.comand
jabber.freenet.de) it was trying to connect to my ISP's DNS using TCP.....
which apparently is blocked by my ISP ( free.fr). Btw, no, pf isn't on the
way. Why using TCP for a simple gethostbyname() here ???

The weird thing is that 'host login.icq.com' in a shell works perfectly.

netstat : gruiik.info.9558       dns1.proxad.net.domain SYN_SENT

tcpdump : 21:20:23.025239 gruiik.info.43606 > dns2.proxad.net.domain: S
3175829751:3175829751(0) win 16384 <mss
                  1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 0,nop,nop,timestamp
764372120 0> (DF)

I'm using a local named for my network, but this host doesn't use it (
resolv.conf only contains my isp's dns, given by dhclient). Is it possible
to make dhclient not overwriting the whole resolv.conf ?

I solved this first issue by using 'prepend domain-name-servers' in
/etc/dhclient.conf,  and now i'm having another problem.

I can talk to buddies, they can reply me, but they can't "initiate" a
connection  to me. They talk, i receive nothing. tcpdump sees nothing apart
'ping' packets in jabber protocol,  and pf is still not in the way (either
way, incoming messages should pass  in the already opened connection to the
server, no need to have a listening connection).

Really weird, and this issue is keeping me from using it on my gw. sad.


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