
I'm looking for prior art on rejecting mails to expired accounts including a 
hint at the new address.

We (Uni Bonn Math Inst) use to forward mails from graduates etc. to a new 
address they provide us with when leaving. We would like to only automatically 
reply with the new address instead.

RFC 5321 seems to suggest 551 for this, although it appears not to be widely 
RFC 3461 seems to suggest 5.1.6.

Now I can simply add an alias

user: "|echo '551 5.1.6 account no longer exists, try <u...@else.wh.ere>'; exit 

But that bounces the mail, where I would prefer to reject it.

Looks like this can be done with a policy daemon invoked from 
smtpd_recipient_restrictions that looks up a suitable configuration file. I 
can't beleive being the first one having this idea, yet I can't find any prior 
art. Maybe I'm searching the wrong terms.

So: is this a bad idea? If not: has someone implemented such a policy daemon? 
Can it be done with Postfix alone?

Thanks for any hints and sorry if I failed to find a prior answer.
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