Re: [postgis-users] Midpoint function?

2007-06-21 Thread Nicolas Ribot
which is actually a continuous line. The only reason this got in as a Multilinestring is because the the original shapefile provided to shp2pgsql was having Multilinestrings as the default data type. then you should reload your shapefile, using the -S switch to force creation of simple

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS SRID pb when insert feature through WFSv1.1 Geoserver

2007-06-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
hi all, Sorry for cross posting, i don't know if it is a geoserver (geotools) problem or a postGIS configuration one. I have this exception when trying to insert feature in PostGIS through WFS V1.1 Geoserver 1.6 27 juin 15:01:05 ERROR [data.jdbc] - SQL Exception writing geometry columnERREUR:

Re: [postgis-users] Create a new Geometry with Java

2007-07-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
There's no documentation about the org.postgis api for java? I think that currently, you have to download the postgis java sources and compile the javadoc yourself. Nicolas ___ postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Polygons enclosing points

2007-07-06 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Dear all I have many points in a map layer which i want to surround with a polygon. Is there a way to automatically create optimum polygons that each enclose only one point and snap at their vertices? Thank you I think a delaunay triangulation could do the trick. Search this list for delaunay.

Re: [postgis-users] calculate the distance between two points

2007-09-20 Thread Nicolas Ribot
select distance(geometryfromtext(' POINT(458416.429731144 4598578.63636196)', -1), geometryfromtext(' POINT(458416.429731144 4598578.63636196)', -1)); by the way, the 2 points are the same - distance = 0 Nicolas On 9/17/07, temiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have two utm points

Re: [postgis-users] Missing files for pgRouting

2007-10-08 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi all I installed Postgresql 8.2 and Postgis 1.3.1 on XP Prof. I then installed pgRouting but the spatial_ref_sys.sql file is missing? Any help will be appreciated! Hi, spatial_ref_sys does not come with pgRouting. It is a PostGIS installlation file, that you can find in the same folder

Re: [postgis-users] Geometry precision

2007-10-18 Thread Nicolas Ribot
SnapToGrid ? On 10/15/07, Paul Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any way to set a level of precision in postgis? I have one wkt defined as, POINT(23456.123456 987654.123456) I have another wkt defined as, POINT(23456.123461 987654.123500) The units are feet. Is there any way

Re: [postgis-users] Moving Data to another directory

2007-10-24 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I am currently using PostGIS on windows system, I installed PostgreSQL on C drive which have only 10GB storage, I would like to move my data to another drive may be on D, I have tried but I'm getting some errors.. Can you advise me, how to move data one directory to another..? maybe by

Re: [postgis-users] Deleting particular tables

2007-11-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello, I have a table which contains a column 'tablename'. In this column, the names of my geo tables are stored. I want do write a query which deletes all geo tables in my database which names don't appear in the column 'tablename' of this admin table. Has someone any idea? Hello If

Re: [postgis-users] Multipolygons UNION

2007-11-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello, I'm newbie with PostGIS and would like to ask to point me to a right direction. I need to unite all of the multipolygons that have the same attribute and that are contiguous to each other. Actually I need to unite the sub-divisions like the States in the US and keep the islands apart

Re: [postgis-users] shp2pgsql and psql: Null values represented by \N

2007-12-11 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I am on WindowsXP. I am using shp2pgsql to create SQL to load a table to posgresql/postgis. some columns have null values, and are represented by \N in the output from this command. However, when executing the sql output by shp2pgsql, psql chokes on it, with the following error

Re: [postgis-users] A bit off topic, but FOSS GIS clients...

2008-01-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
This is off-topic. But since many use PostGIS/PostgreSQL as a spatial database backend, I thought people here may be best equipped to comment. I couldn't be the only one wondering about this. Quantum GIS is painfully slow rendering and searching through data in moderately sized, and

Re: [postgis-users] degrees between points

2008-01-16 Thread Nicolas Ribot
On 16/01/2008, Nicholas Lan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was under the impression that using srid 4326 meant that point coordinates would correspond to latitude and longitude on a spheroid such that st_distance(...) between two such points would give the angle between them, hence 90 in this

Re: [postgis-users] degrees between points

2008-01-16 Thread Nicolas Ribot
The following function seems to be the one: ST_azimuth(geometry, geometry) Returns the azimuth of the segment defined by the given Point geometries, or NULL if the two points are coincident. Return value is in radians. Or azimuth(): select azimuth(geomfromtext('POINT (0 0)', 4326),

Re: [postgis-users] degrees between points

2008-01-18 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Thanks for your response. However, this is also not giving the answer I expect. As the input you show illustrates, this input gives a response of 45 degrees, whereas the answer should be 90 degrees if 90 90 corresponds to the north pole and 0 0 a point on the equator. I have also tried this

Re: [postgis-users] Convert x, y into geometry and update two geometries

2008-02-06 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, Shouldn't you declare an BEFORE trigger, not an AFTER one ? I will quote a recent post from Mickael (Automated area calculating, feb 4th 2008): An AFTER trigger runs after the insert or update has completed so it's too late to modify the row except by issuing an UPDATE statement within the

Re: [postgis-users] Enormous file geodatabase feature class PostgreSQL/PostGIS? + attribute column standardization app or process?

2008-02-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Is there a utility for importing an ESRI file geodatabase into PostgreSQL/PostGIS? I know there's a tool for importing shapefiles, but that won't help--or will it? You may have a look at OGR (, according to the geodatabase format (personnal, SDE,...)

Re: [postgis-users] problem on srid

2008-03-03 Thread Nicolas Ribot
hello how can I correct this situation: bzk2=# select srid(geom) from shey91 limit 1; srid --- 32767 (1 row) bzk2=# update shey91 set geom=ST_TRANSFORM(setsrid(geom,32767),32636); ERROR: AddToPROJ4SRSCache: Cannot find SRID (32767) in spatial_ref_sys Check if

Re: [postgis-users] need PostGIS binaries for Fedora 8.x

2008-03-04 Thread Nicolas Ribot
2. No! Some of the coolest people in the world build their own software from source. Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, that guy from Survivor! OK, some people in the world build their own software from source. I hear George Clooney is thinking about it. :-DD (I know for

Re: [postgis-users] Raster suggestions?

2008-03-08 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Greetings, We are working on modern topographic maps for the entire west coast (about 20,000 7.5 minute quadrangles). I am currently designing a strategy for serving our products online. I plan to use PostGIS for the lines and text (that is a no-brainer), but I am not sure what would be

Re: [postgis-users] Raster suggestions?

2008-03-08 Thread Nicolas Ribot
What does your mapfile layer definition look like when you use the postgis tileindex? orthophoto is a view defined on my raster table, registered in the geometry_columns table. ...snippet... # the orthophoto tileindex layer layer name orthophoto_tindex connection host=localhost

Re: [postgis-users] Distance function is not in meters

2008-03-18 Thread Nicolas Ribot
If I use sphere they have to both be points, the actual search I am doing is distance(the_geom, GeometryFromText('POINT(10 10)',4326)) the_geom field is a polygon or a multipolygon Then you will have to transform (reproject) your data into a metric projection system where distance between

Re: [postgis-users] Do I need to copy postGIS objects to my new schema?

2008-03-25 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I'm planning to use database schemas to organize my spatial tables. For example, all spatial tables of GIS objects belong to Bali island is to be kept in a schema named bali, etcetera. Problem is, when I created a new schema named bali, it did not inherit all the postGIS objects of the

Re: [postgis-users] Do I need to copy postGIS objects to my new schema?

2008-03-25 Thread Nicolas Ribot
You will be able to use them on the bali.* tables by either fully qualifying the tables' name in your queries or by adding your newly created schema to the search path (no need to qualify tables names with the schema in this case) a query using qualified names could look like: select

Re: [postgis-users] Get more polygon's exterior boundary

2008-03-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
If I have some POLYGON in the subjunctive table: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS try; CREATE TABLE try ( id serial NOT NULL, the_name character varying(10), the_geom geometry, CONSTRAINT pk_try PRIMARY KEY (id)); INSERT INTO try (the_name, the_geom) VALUES ('1A',

Re: [postgis-users] Auto Complete

2008-04-01 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello everyone, Im quite a novice in the Open GIS world, and i would like to know if theres any client out there that connects to PostGIS and has a Autocomplete polygon tool (like in arcGis). Hi,could you describe a little more what autocomplete polygon function looks like ? thanks

Re: [postgis-users] bow-tie polygons and the like

2008-04-01 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Good people; I have this odd problem that I hope others may clarify for me. I have a big ArcInfo polygon coverage produced by a sequence of spatial unions. One of the component polygon coverages was brutalized somewhere along the way and it has some polygons with triangular and bow-tie

[postgis-users] test

2008-08-01 Thread Nicolas Ribot
test ___ postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] test

2008-08-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
salut jean David, Tu le crois ca: pas une reponse au mail envoyé sur geoadminsuite... quelle misere. Je te contacte la semaine prochaine pour parler de c2c. A plus 2008/8/1 Jean David TECHER [EMAIL PROTECTED]: :) Quoting Nicolas Ribot [EMAIL PROTECTED]: test

Re: [postgis-users] AddGeometryColumn error

2008-08-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi everyone! I have installed PostgreSQL 8.3 and PostGIS (postgis_1_3_3_pg83). I have a table with many stations in Southern Spain (POINT) and their coordinates LATITUDE, LONGITUDE and ELEVATION. How can I create a geometry column? I try with AddGeometryColumn but I couldn't. Hi, What

Re: [postgis-users] AddGeometryColumn error

2008-08-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
First of all, Postgres display me the next error with this query: My database is named postgres My table is named estac_aemet The name of the new column I want to create is the_geom 23030 is UTM-ED50 huso 30 (Proyection I want) SELECT addgeometrycolumn('postgres','estac_aemet', 'the_geom',

Re: [postgis-users] AddGeometryColumn error

2008-08-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Now, with you purpose, this error: ERROR: no existe la relación «public.estac_aemet» Is the estac_aemet table exists ? If so, in which schema was it created ? ___ postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] AddGeometryColumn error

2008-08-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Yes, the tabla estac_aemet exists. The schema is public Did you create the table using double quotes to name it ? ESTAC_AEMET maybe ? If so, then you have to respect the case in the table name when naming it: SELECT addgeometrycolumn('public','ESTAC_AEMET', 'the_geom', 23030,'POINT',2) You

Re: [postgis-users] transform - update lake set the_geom=transform(the_geom, 26971)

2008-10-10 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I have a table city which contains Multipolygons (SRID=4326) in latitude and longitude. To project it to a plane coordinate (SRID=26971), I did: update lake set the_geom=transform(the_geom, 26971); It ran without any error. But some of the resulted values in the_geom column became null

Re: [postgis-users] Transform Coordinates

2008-11-12 Thread Nicolas Ribot
How can I transform the coordinate system of a table ? I know the SRID is 4326. Thanks a lot Basically, by using st_transform(geometry, srid) on your table. It may be a little more complicated if you have SRID constraints on your table. 2 options among several: 1°) Drop the constraint,

Re: [postgis-users] ST_Boundary of some linestrings

2008-11-19 Thread Nicolas Ribot
lisek lichu wrote: Hello, I hane in my database 6 linestrings and I want to get the boundary rectangle from them (not from each of them) If i use: select AsText(ST_Boundary(the_geom)) from segments; i get MULTIPOINT(-8.593025208 41.180818082,-8.594827652 41.187632944)

Re: [postgis-users] SRID 27492 to SRID 4326

2008-11-19 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello, last time i get shapefile witp Porto Portugal streets. I convert it to SQL an there was a column with data in SRID 27492. I added this data to database, create another column with 4326 SRID and transform data from 27492 to 4326 using: UPDATE axes SET the_geom_wgs =

Re: [postgis-users] degree vs. metric projection performance?

2008-11-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi all, I am developing an application that uses google maps as a front-end and postgis in the backend. Currently, we are using google mercator projection (SRID = 4326) for all geometries in the database. But, since we perform lots of geometric operations with these objects within the

[postgis-users] Polygon validity with one common point

2008-11-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi all, I'v got a validity issue with one polygon. As you can see in the attached picture, i've got a polygon with a linear ring that touch itself at one point : gml:Polygon srsName=urn:ogc:def:derivedCRSType:OGC:1.0:image gml:exterior gml:LinearRing

[postgis-users] Re: Polygon validity with one common point

2008-11-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Sorry about this post, reading an old spec leads to this misinterpretation of the polygon validity. I attach anyway the picture describing the polygon. The common point in the given polygon is (936.00 211.00) 2008/11/28 Nicolas Ribot [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi all, I'v got a validity

Re: [postgis-users] relationship functions not working well

2008-12-04 Thread Nicolas Ribot
When I was debugging my invalid geometry problem, I needed to select a small area to view. The data is divided up into 1 degree tiles (it's the SRTM SWBD shapefiles imported). I figured selecting by whole integer degrees would be simple to deal with. I started with st_overlaps(), as it was

Re: [postgis-users] relationship functions not working well

2008-12-05 Thread Nicolas Ribot
This relation has quite a complex expression in terms of the IM pattern languge. It is: [T] or [*T***] or [***T*] or [T] and not ( [FT***] or [F**T*] or [F***T] ) This is equivalent to: not ([FF*FF] or [FT***] or [F**T*] or [F***T] )

Re: [postgis-users] Adding a custom projection

2008-12-08 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Good day all My country has the following coordinate system MOLDREF 99: # MOLDREF 99 100099 +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=28g24m +k=0.4 +x_0=20 +y_0=-500 ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs This is proj4 definition, now I need to add this projection to Postgis and I don't understand

Re: [postgis-users] how to identify the_geom that cause : Relate Operation called withLWGEOMCOLLECTION type

2008-12-08 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I have an error with some geometry that cause : ERROR Relate Operation called withLWGEOMCOLLECTION type. All the geometries seem clean (valid, non empty, closed, only POLYGON, ..) My question : how to get information of which geometry cause the problem ? Is there a way to have information

Re: [postgis-users] How to disable password in postgreSQL (pardon the stupid question)

2009-01-12 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I'm using postgreSQL 8.2.5 for Windows (with postGIS) and MapServer for Windows for development environment. They run on Windows XP. I just reformatted the hard drive and re-installed everything (postGIS, ms4w), etc. Then, my first step is reloading all the development shapefiles (SHP)

Re: [postgis-users] Re: How to disable password in postgreSQL (pardon the stupid question)

2009-01-12 Thread Nicolas Ribot
That will let anyone who can connect to the database become the Postgres users in question (in this case, any user) -- a rather gaping security hole except in narrow circumstances. Yes, clearly. I did not precise that this configuration is suitable only on dev, local servers ! I wonder if

Re: [postgis-users] newbie: Error in first atttempt to use postgis with mapserver?

2009-01-14 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi everyone. i've used workshop material of FOSS4G2007 to learn postgis along with its data. but there is a problem i got this error in first attempt to retrieve data from postgis: msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'bc_municipality'. prepare_database(): Query

Re: [postgis-users] restricción check

2009-01-15 Thread Nicolas Ribot
hi, when i try to insert record from parcelas table into prueba table, the are is error. ERROR: el nuevo registro para la relación «prueba» viola la restricción check «enforce_srid_the_geom» Estado SQL:23514 this is the syntaxis insert into prueba (SELECT gid,p.the_geom as the_geom from

Re: [postgis-users] Mapinfo

2009-01-16 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Are Mapinfo and PostGIS compatible? I've seen a few messages on MapInfo-L that sorta imply they work together. Maybe. But there is no support mentioned on the MapInfo website. They are, through FME adding extra formats to MapInfo Universal Translator. During a quick test, I was able to

Re: [postgis-users] river network labeling

2009-01-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Dear List, where can I find information on how to give label for river network in a big watershed. best regards, Hi, What do you mean by to give label ? do you want to update some attributes for a 'river' table, or do you want to display labels in some visual representation (desktop GIS,

Re: [postgis-users] Shapes to PG

2009-01-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
If I copypaste this line manually into the pgadmin script window, it looks as whether the spacial data is not present (don't know, whether I can make this clear, so I've attached a screenshot). However, Flensburg and others don't have a the_geometry at all... PgAdmin is not the right tool to

Re: [postgis-users] forced conversion of linestring to mulitlinestring when using shp2pgsql utility ?

2009-01-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I have a shape file of linestrings that I want to load into postgis as linestrings. My problem is whenever i use the shp2pgsql utility, the utility converts all the linestrings to multilinestrings. My purpose of loading the shape files is to do geometry operations on them eg line

Re: [postgis-users] Shapes to PG

2009-01-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
OK, my selection was select * from onb This comes up with a couple of lines, containing the_geometry and much more, not containing a value in this column. To see the geometries, or at least to display their coordinates in a friendly manner, you should convert them to a textual

Re: [postgis-users] Shapes to PG

2009-01-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
?? What kind of admin is that? What chance of checking, whether the_geom is valid or not, do I have? Well, pgAdmin is intended to administrate PostgreSQL, not postGIS and its geometries. To check your geometries for nullity or validity, SQL seems to be your friend: select count(*) from

Re: [postgis-users] Shapes to PG

2009-01-26 Thread Nicolas Ribot
The first returns 0 of 5204 records. Meaning you don't have null geometries in your table. The output of the latter I don't understand (see screenshot) the result of st_isvalid is a boolean value: t for true, f for false. meaning some geometries are invalid. select some attributes from onb

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS/PostgreSQL - error in creating table

2009-04-14 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I tried using the postgres database that was created during the installation, but that too didnt work. Gives the error. Tried using template DB w/o creating that postgres DB too. But gives the same error.There was no other databases than the default databases. :( -- Any chance an old version

Re: [postgis-users] Lambert72 to WGS84

2009-04-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
1. Which postGis methods do I use for converting Lambert72 coordinates to WGS84 coordinates and vice-versa? 2. Does anybody know of a Java library that implements this conversion or which I can use to implement it? Hi Guy, Yes, GeoTools will allow you to perform this conversion. GDAL/OGR,

Re: [postgis-users] Point on a surface doesn`t touch geometry?

2009-04-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Dear users, with SELECT astext(pointOnSurface(the_geom)) from ways where gid=14730 I get the coordinates of a point that lies on the surface of a MULTILINESTRING. I get: POINT(897169.996155569 6850066.73917209) Then I try SELECT overlaps (the_geom,Geomfromtext('POINT(897169.996155569

Re: [postgis-users] st_centroid Points not on Polygon

2009-05-04 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Ah yes, a classic case of RTFM. Is this acceptable behavior for this function? Could PostGIS deal with this internally to do a post process st_pointonsurface when the centroid is not within the polygon. Yes, indeed, perfectly acceptable, as it corresponds to the mathematical definition of

Re: [postgis-users] Data modeling tool

2009-07-15 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I'm using Druid ( allowing to generate ER views, HTML, PDF docs, to reverse existing database can also generate scripts for several targets (oracle, mysql, pg, etc) Nicolas Ribot ___ postgis-users mailing list postgis-users

Re: [postgis-users] ST_TRANSFORM function problem

2009-11-04 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi Folks, I'm having a problems with the transform process at present some records in my database. I try to transform my geometry in a 4326(EPSG:4326) projection to 900913(google mercator) projection uses a ST_TRANSFORM postgis function. In some geometries in same table(relation) it's work

Re: [postgis-users] st_buffer?

2009-11-11 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi you all, I am new to the list so apoligize for any repetitiveness. I am working to build a corridor around a multiline postgis layer, let's say 50mt left and 50mt right lines. How can I accomplish this task? I did it in the past using st_buffer but I didn't work with postgis since 2007

Re: [postgis-users] Can I replace all the x and y coordinates of a geometry using PostGIS, Thank you!

2009-11-12 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, Leo: Thank you for your reply! May be I did not tell my problem clearly, Now, I want to know how i can get the number of points that stand for a polygon. Just like the function of NumPoints(geometry) used for linestring. npoints(geometry) for a polygon And how can I locate each

Re: [postgis-users] Create points with a geoserver WFS-T

2009-11-30 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, NEW is a variable made available by the system when creating a trigger. It represents the row of values that will be updated or inserted. More information here: Nicolas 2009/11/30 Daniel Grum Hi, I

Re: [postgis-users] template_postgis14

2009-12-16 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I am missing template template_postgis14 in my database server on a linux system. Both template0 and template1 are there. How do I go about installing template_postgis14? Never heard about template_postgis14, but I did not play a lot with 1.4 Can't you just recreate it after you installed

Re: [postgis-users] select the interior parcels smaller than 25 hectares

2009-12-29 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I  used this SQL for select the interior parcels and obtained all interior parcels on the map.. SELECT ST_InteriorRingN((the_geom),s) FROM datnivel3, generate_series(1,(SELECT max(ST_NumInteriorRing(the_geom)) FROM datnivel3)) s WHERE ST_NumInteriorRing(the_geom) 0 AND

Re: [postgis-users] ST_distance in meters

2010-02-01 Thread Nicolas Ribot
900913 isn't any official spatial reference number, in fact it is leetspeek for Google (where 9=g, etc.) :))) Huge. We were wondering how this code was choosen, so big. Have our answer, thanx. Nicolas ___ postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Db connect

2010-03-04 Thread Nicolas Ribot
With them in place.. ERROR received Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in C:\OSGeo4W\apache\htdocs\lu.php on line 2 Hi, $db_handle = pg_connect(”host = localhost port = 5432 dbname = postgis user = postgres password = GrassJump”); Put this on one line, not two. Escape your '\'

Re: [postgis-users] is there any 'common' geometry type?

2010-04-30 Thread Nicolas Ribot
On 14 April 2010 07:54, Li Li wrote: thank you. Now I have many data with type POLYGON, how can I convert them to MULTIPOLYGON? I don't want my existed data missing. I tried to update the column from geometry_columns set its value to MULTIPOLYGON. But When I insert a

Re: [postgis-users] Establish versus of a line

2010-04-30 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I have a table with a geometry LineString. This Linestrings are a pseudo-copy of the boundaries of some polygon geometries hosted in another table. I say pseudo-copy because the geometry is identical but the versus can be changed (respect to the polygons). I need to fill a field of

Re: [postgis-users] WKB Specification

2010-04-30 Thread Nicolas Ribot
HI, Where can i find the WKB specification that postgis use? I would like to to decode the WKB result, that i get from a spatial query. I know i can use the ST_AsText, and get the WKT for the geometry, but i would like to decode the WKB. Can anyone please help? Best regards Theuns

Re: [postgis-users] Establish versus of a line

2010-04-30 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi Nicolas, many thx for the hints (now I'm study better the ST_ForceRHR function), but I think my need is a bit more complex (Unfortunately). Because I don't need to know if the polygon is clockwise or counter-clockwise. I can surely assume all polygons are clockwise (for example).

Re: [postgis-users] Need a polygon box of a table instead of the bounding box that returns extent function

2010-05-05 Thread Nicolas Ribot
On 5 May 2010 02:38, Oscar Zamudio wrote: Well, it works like a charm! But I still need some advise. The query generates a polygon and I use astext to get readable output. Now I create a new table that will contain a name and the geometry result of the query. I want to use

Re: [postgis-users] Need a polygon box of a table instead of the bounding box that returns extent function

2010-05-05 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Nicolas, What I want to do is an insert of the type INSERT INTO...VALUES .. as follows: INSERT INTO boundaries ( the_geom, the_name ) VALUES  (some_geometry_data,'some_arbitrary_name') My problem is that I want to replace the some_geometry_data value by the result of the SELECT query. And

Re: [postgis-users] help with ST_DWithin query

2010-05-05 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello, I have a table of parcels and the projection is epsg 102728 (NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_North_FIPS_3701_Feet). I am trying to select certain parcels that are within 1 mile of the host parcel.  I select the centriod of the host parcels as follows: SELECT

Re: [postgis-users] encoding

2010-05-06 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Thanks Ralf, I don't understand how to use this. pgsql2shp -f myshape mydb -h localhost -P -u postgres mytable -export PGCLIENTENCODING=LATIN1 I'm using PostGIS 1.3.5 on an Windows-System Thanks Jo You have to define an environment variable that will be used by PG when

Re: [postgis-users] Split Multistring on the_geom

2010-05-19 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I would like to know if theres a postgis function (or the easist and effective way), that I can use to split an intersection o 2 multistrings, so I can have the geometric data of --the start and end nodes of both lines, and the new node created in the intersection, I'llbe really

Re: [postgis-users] Problem with ST_ExteriorRing and ST_contains

2010-05-19 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi everybody, I'm a postgis new user and I would like to submit here a problem I encounter.  Here's what I do : from a polygon layer I merge some of them (with ST_UNION) into bigger ones according to an attribute value, then I make an exterior ring (with ST_Collect(ST_ExteriorRing()))

Re: [postgis-users] ST_Intersection

2010-05-21 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I have a polygon table (alk_flurstuecke) and create a view with a 40-meter buffer on an object: CREATE VIEW buffer_flur_40 AS SELECT gid, ST_SetSRID(st_buffer(the_geom,40), 31466 ) AS the_geom FROM alk_flurstuecke WHERE fkz = '072690033000230'; No problem, Ican see it in QGIS.

Re: [postgis-users] help

2010-05-24 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hey guys i am having trouble connecting postgis to mapser, could anyone please give me directions on the same. what version of mapsever do i need? i am working with postgresql 8.4 thanks Any recent Pgis version is supported by MapServer good hints here:

Re: [postgis-users] Problem during Imoporting shapefile in postGIS !!

2010-06-16 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello I'm Trying to import Shapefile files from Alsace city in France inside PostGIS with OpenJUMP. I can view all layers in OpenJUMP . Alsace shapefiles are available here : but I got this error in attached Please help me ... Erik Hi,

Re: [postgis-users] Which naming convention to use

2010-06-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I would say PostgreSQL/Postgis, as postgis is an extension to postgresql. Nicolas On 24 June 2010 16:32, Sindile Bidla wrote: When talking about Postgis and PostgreSQL which is the correct: Postgis/PostgreSQL or PostgreSQL/Postgis. -- Sent from my mobile device

Re: [postgis-users] whats the different between ST_Extent() and ST_Estimated_Extent()

2010-06-28 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi All, I have 2 queries: SELECT ST_Extent(point) FROM schema.mytable; SELECT ST_Estimated_Extent('schema', 'mytable', 'point'); 2 queries above were returned for me same result (BOX2D): BOX(11.1806726455688 55.3748893737793,24.1317653656006 67.8551025390625) I don't know what is the

Re: [postgis-users] Raster/vector intersections with PostGIS WKT Raster

2010-06-29 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Waoo ! Real nice. Thank you for this work. Nicolas On 29 June 2010 17:29, Pierre Racine wrote: Hi everybody, I'm pleased to announce that you can now do intersections between rasters and geometries very much like you used to do geometry/geometry intersections in

Re: [postgis-users] how to determine a geometry type?

2010-07-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
On 2 July 2010 06:35, nguyen liem wrote: Hi all I used GeometryType(geometry_column) to determine a geometry if it included data. If with one geometry_column with empty data, how to determine geometry type of this ? Hi. You should look at geometry_columns table,

Re: [postgis-users] db documentation software

2010-07-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I'm working on a complex PostgreSQL / Postgis-Database with 200 tables. At this time there is no good documentation for the database so I'm searching for a OpenSource / cheap database-documentation software that creates the table/field structure and relations/ERdiagram to a open format

Re: [postgis-users] how to determine a geometry type?

2010-07-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi Nicolas, Thanks for your answer, my question is really  not clear... but I would like to determine a geometry type by using a function, not by eyes ;) select type from geometry_columns where f_table_name = 'mytable' and f_geometry_column = 'columnOfMyTable' Type will be a string

Re: [postgis-users] db documentation software

2010-07-02 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi Nicolas, I have Druid III instaled but didn't know it could connect to Postgres databases. Can you recomended a guide for it? The interface is very simple, maybe too simple. Luís yes, some options are not easy to configure: To reverse an existing DB schema: config - JDBC driver - add a

Re: [postgis-users] Invalid geometry when using select AsText

2010-07-06 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I am doing a GIS project where I combine shapefiles from different sources, created with different spatial reference systems. What I want to achieve is that if someone has a shapefile, no matter what the srs is, the data can be combined with other data. All data will be tranformed to srid

Re: [postgis-users] error updating multipoint: violates check constraint enforce_geotype

2010-07-06 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi everyone, I have a program that updates a table containing multipoints. Now, I have several columns with multipoints, but only one breaks with the following error: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: new row for relation lidarpoints violates check constraint

Re: [postgis-users] error updating multipoint: violates check constraint enforce_geotype

2010-07-07 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, Nicolas, thanks for your response. I would hope that my query returns multipoints. At least it always has in the test runs. For some reason when I let it run on our large dataset, it doesn't work. As a test I decided to skip that one troublesome column and load the other points. But I

Re: [postgis-users] error updating multipoint: violates check constraint enforce_geotype

2010-07-07 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Nicolas, thanks for your response. I would hope that my query returns multipoints. At least it always has in the test runs. For some reason when I let it run on our large dataset, it doesn't work. As a test I decided to skip that one troublesome column and load the other points. But I get

Re: [postgis-users] MySQL - Postgresql - habitat column name

2010-07-16 Thread Nicolas Ribot
On 15 July 2010 20:37, Michael A. Peters wrote: I'm currently working on a migration of my web site to postgresql so that I can use PostGIS. I'm still working on the devel side but basically - mysqldump database dump.sql perl mysql2pgsql.perl dump.sql load.sql psql

Re: [postgis-users] Check geometry for true intersection using ST_Relate

2010-07-19 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi, I need to retrieve from a table all the geometry that intersect a given polygon . But the standard ST_Intersection is no good for me because it return true even if two geometry are only touching on their boundary without having a partially overlap each other. I don't find other type

Re: [postgis-users] Check geometry for true intersection using ST_Relate

2010-07-19 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Glup. :) The manual is giving a simpler, more accurate (index usage) answer: SELECT l.* , As poly_name FROM polys As b INNER JOIN compounds As l ON (p.the_geom b.the_geom AND ST_Relate(l.the_geom, b.the_geom,'T'));

Re: [postgis-users] Snapped polygon

2010-07-20 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hi. I'm, having a problem with some geometries. I have buildings and blocks represented by polygons, and I have to check if buildings are contained in blocks. The problem is that buildings that are snapped to blocks sides, aren't considered inside the block. These are the validations that

Re: [postgis-users] Fwd: constraint violation : enforce_geotype_the_geom

2010-07-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Hello, there I'm quite new to postgis requests and I've got a constraint violation problem with one of my requests: create table bati_buff (id serial primary key); select addgeometrycolumn ('bati_buff', 'the_geom', 27572, 'POLYGON', 2 ) ; insert into bati_buff (the_geom) (select

Re: [postgis-users] Union fails on 2389 linestrings.

2010-07-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
I have a layer with 2389 linestrings which intersect a lot.  I'm trying to create a polygon overlay, so I want to union the linestrings together so I can then call polygonize. However, when I try to union them, it runs for about 25 minutes then fails claiming it found a non-noded

Re: [postgis-users] Union fails on 2389 linestrings.

2010-07-27 Thread Nicolas Ribot
ST_IsValid returns true for all of them.  I'll try reducing the precision slightly, though I'm later going to do point-in-poly checks against some other original input data and the reduced precision will increase the chances of inaccurate results. Ok, I'm wondering if using the notice

Re: [postgis-users] help setting up postgis

2010-08-10 Thread Nicolas Ribot
Thank you Edward. It worked. Which now leads me to another question. I have datasets of the form x y z. Which are location x,location y and elevation z to describe different bathymetries . What is the smartes way to store them so they can be easily worked with? Regards, Jan Hi, A 3D

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