Maid accused of sex with boy 

An Indonesian maid working in Singapore was hauled to court for having sex with 
her employer's 12-year-old son.

The 27-year-old is alleged to have caused the boy - with his consent - to 
engage in oral sex at the HDB unit in the east on Dec 25 last year.

She is also accused of causing the boy to have sex with her sometime at 
end-June and mid-December last year.

The fourth charge under the Children and Young Persons Act states that she 
committed an obscene act with a child by engaging in sex and oral sex with him 
between end-June and Dec 25.

The court has ordered the name of the victim to be withheld or anything that 
will lead to his identification.

If convicted of the sexual penetration of a minor under 16, she can be jailed 
for up to 10 years and fined on each charge.

The maximum penalty is a fine of up to S$5,000 (RM11,600) and/or a jail term of 
up to two years.

The short and bespectacled domestic worker was offered bail of S$20,000 
(RM46,400). Her passport was impounded.

She will appear in court again on May 19.
- The Straits Times/ANN

Published May 13 2010 

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