shirin Ebadi, penyandang nobel perdamaian 2003 dan aktivis HAM dan pemberdayaan 
perempuan Iran menganggap suatu kebodohan kalau AS bersikeras untuk menyerang 
Iran, seperti halnya menyerang Irak karena berbagai alasan:
1. aktivitas HAM di akar rumput di Iran sangat dinamis dan apabila terjadi 
serangan AS ke Iran kedinamisan itu akan hancur; selain itu, penindasan HAM di 
negara lain--termasuk saudi arabia yg menjadi aliansi dekat AS-- dibiarkan.

2. alasan kepemilikan WMD (senjata pemusnah massal) juga bukanlah rationale yg 
tepat; karena iran sedang dalam negosiasi dg eropa soal nuklir; pada waktu yg 
sama, negara2 yg jelas memiliki WMD seperti korea utara, israel, india, 
pakistan dibiarkan. paradoks dan double-standard ini sebenarnya tidak aneh 
dalam empiris AS. akan tetapi, mengulang2 kebodohan yg sama hanya akan 
menggiring AS sendiri ke arah kehancuran;

Why US attack on Iran would be a folly
- By Shirin Ebadi & Hadi Ghaemi 

During her tour of Europe, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has given 
assurances that a military attack by the United States on Iran "is simply not 
on the agenda at this point."

But notwithstanding Rice’s disavowal, recent statements by the Bush 
administration, starting with President George W. Bush’s State of the Union 
address and vice president Dick Cheney’s comments about a possible Israeli 
military attack on Iran, are reminiscent of the rhetoric in the months leading 
up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

And Rice herself made clear that "the Iranian regime’s human rights behaviour 
and its behaviour toward its own population is something to be loathed."

American policy toward West Asia, and Iran in particular, is often couched in 
the language of promoting human rights. No one would deny the importance of 
that goal. But for human rights defenders in Iran, the possibility of a foreign 
military attack on their country represents an utter disaster for their cause.

The situation for human rights in Iran is far from ideal. Security forces 
harass, imprison and even torture human rights defenders and civil society 
activists. The authorities attack journalists and writers for expressing their 
opinions and regularly shut down newspapers. Political prisoners languish in 
jails. Superfluous judicial summonses are routinely used to intimidate critics, 
and arbitrary detentions are common.

But Iranian society has refused to be coerced into silence. The human rights 
discourse is alive and well at the grassroots level; civil society activists 
consider it to be the most potent framework for achieving sustainable 
democratic reforms and political pluralism. Indeed, readers might be surprised 
to know how vigorous Iran’s human rights organisations are. Last fall, when 
security forces unlawfully detained more than 20 young journalists and bloggers 
because of what they had written, independent Iranian organisations like the 
Centre for Defence of Human Rights, the Association of Journalists for Freedom 
of Press, and the Students Association for Human Rights campaigned for their 

This outcry, in tandem with support from the international community and human 
rights organisations like Human Rights Watch, led to the release of detainees. 
In fact, so great was the criticism of the abuses committed during these 
detentions that some of Iran’s most senior government officials came out in 
favour of releasing the detainees.

Independent organisations are essential for fostering the culture of human 
rights in Iran. But the threat of foreign military intervention will provide a 
powerful excuse for authoritarian elements to uproot these groups and put an 
end to their growth.

Human rights violators will use this opportunity to silence their critics by 
labelling them as the enemy’s fifth column. In 1980, after Saddam Hussein 
invaded Iran and inflamed nationalist passions, Iranian authorities used such 
arguments to suppress dissidents.

American hypocrisy doesn’t help, either. Given the long-standing willingness of 
the American government to overlook abuses of human rights, particularly 
women’s rights, by close allies in West Asia like Saudi Arabia, it is hard not 
to see the Bush administration’s focus on human rights violations in Iran as a 
cloak for its larger strategic interests.

Respect for human rights in any country must spring forth through the will of 
the people and as part of a genuine democratic process. Such respect can never 
be imposed by foreign military might and coercion — an approach that abounds in 

Not only would a foreign invasion of Iran vitiate popular support for human 
rights activism, but by destroying civilian lives, institutions and 
infrastructure, war would also usher in chaos and instability. Respect for 
human rights is likely to be among the first casualties.

Instead, the most effective way to promote human rights in Iran is to provide 
moral support and international recognition to independent human rights 
defenders and to insist that Iran adhere to the international human rights laws 
and conventions that it has signed.

Getting the Iranian government to abide by these international standards is the 
human rights movement’s highest goal; foreign military intervention in Iran is 
the surest way to harm us and keep that goal out of reach.

Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is the founder of the 
Centre for Defence of Human Rights in Tehran. Hadi Ghaemi is a researcher for 
Human Rights Watch

source: the New York Times 13/2/05

Aligarh Muslim University
Uttar Pradesh, India

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