Thai general who supports Red Shirts shot 
Fri, 2010-05-14 00:13 - editor
  a.. Breaking News
>From R. Vasudevan - Reporting from New Delhi 
New Delhi, 14 May ( 

Major-General Khattiya SawasdipolA renegade Thai general who supports the "Red 
Shirt" opposition protest movement has been shot and seriously wounded, 
according to a nurse at the hospital where he was admitted, reports from 
Bangkok said on Thursday. 

Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known by his nickname "Seh Daeng," 
was shot in the chest and in a "very serious condition," said the nurse at Hua 
Chiew Hospital. The circumstances of the reported shooting were unclear but 
gunshots were heard earlier in the evening close to the protest site, which the 
security authorities have threatened to seal off. 

The fiery general, accused by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva of trying to 
prevent an end to the two-month street demonstrations, has made no secret of 
encouraging the "Red Shirt" protesters to oppose a reconciliation deal. "It's 
important that I'm here. Everyone is here because Seh Daeng is here," he told a 
news agency earlier in the day during an interview within the protest site. 

The violence came after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva shelved a plan for 
November elections and hopes faded for an imminent resolution to a crippling 
two-month crisis that has sparked outbreaks of violence, leaving 29 people dead 
and 1,000 injured. 

"I have cancelled the election date... because protesters refuse to disperse," 
Abhisit said earlier. "I have told security officials to restore normality as 
soon as possible." An army spokesman said earlier that troops would surround 
the rally site in the heart of Bangkok with armoured vehicles and that 
demonstrators would be allowed to leave but not enter the area. 

Large crowds of Red Shirts, including some elderly, women and children, had 
remained Thursday in the protest site, which has been fortified with barricades 
made from razor wire, fuel-soaked tyres and sharpened bamboo spears. Some 
foreign embassies in the area closed early due to the threatened lockdown, with 
the US, British, and Dutch embassies suspending visa services. 

- Asian Tribune -

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