Documentation Team Meeting Minutes September 30 2021 at 18:00 UTC.

Presents: Mitchell, Rachel, Zibi, Steve, Olivier


TDF Jitsi

Completed items:

Pending items:
AI: Join_The_Doc_Team.odp
    + Will review and enhance it (Dave)
AI: Consider a video (3 min) introducing doc team and doc tasks (OH)


Topics and Discussion:

Kanban Board (Zibi)
  + Place to put tasks to be done
  + everyone check and take tasks
  + set priorities
  + I Use Jira (Zibi), but there are others
  + Sounds as management tools to me (Steve)
  + Work on Guides is a work "forever", repeat after next version
  + Spreadsheet functions of Kanban board (Rachel)

Activities (Steve)

    Not started

    + Base Guide update

    + Math Guide update

    Ongoing work

    Review draft Calc Guide chapters

    Review draft Draw / Impress chapters

    Review Calc function wiki pages

    Address problems with Help (Olivier)

Hybrid education model (Mitchell)
1. This is not specific to documentation. Today, Hybrid education model is in place. How is LibreOffice trying to utilize the opportunity? For example, external addons like PearDeck are colloborating with Microsoft and Google for creating instructional contents. The advantage here is about enhancing the addressable market. What do you think?
   + Moodle is available for developing LibreOffice courses
   + Standard installation
   + Need contents and management/administration
AI: Give Moodle credentials to Mitchell (olivier)

   + Time of the meeting is ok for the participants (All)
   + Very good presentation by Tim Brennan of Brazil on LibOConf (Steve)
      + Suggest the Doc team do the same kind of online meeting (Steve)
      + = free discussion on doc activities
   + Comments on CONVERT_OOO patch,
AI: check w/ Steve

Meeting adjourned
Next meeting : *THURSDAY* October 14th 2021 at 18:00 UTC.
Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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