Documentation Team Meeting Minutes March 31st 2022 at 18:00 UTC.

Presents: Olivier, Dave, Steve


TDF Jitsi

Completed items:

Pending items:

Activities (recap)

    Ongoing work
    Review draft Calc Guide chapters
    Review Base guide
    Review draft Draw / Impress chapters
    Review Calc function wiki pages
    Address problems with Help (Olivier)

    + LibreOffice 7.3.2 released today (3/31/2022)

Topics and Discussion:

Code Colorizing:
    [3/31 - VN]: -
As the developer community uses Writer and Impress to communicate code snippets with their peers, code highlighting or colorizing is a beneficial feature. Enhancing existing features in Writer (Styles -> Source Text) to include colorizing and indentation can be the starting point. However, this requires UI and Engineering team to take it forward. + Base guide need more attention on accuracy rather than color code (SF)
    + Code colorizing is an nice addition (all)

Release Notes:
    [3/31 - VN]:
Including the experimental features in the release notes will be helpful for the authors and reviewers. Is there a possibility to include these items in the release notes?
     + Remind developers to list experimental modes in release notes

+ Do the team wish to change the documentation development workflow and adopt this macro process?
     + covered in the code colorizing topic

* Guides error/mistake report (OH)
   + Need a better way to let readers report mistakes and errors.
      + Mailing List ?
      + Bugzilla ?
      + Redmine ?
      + Ask (aka Discourse)?
   + We need to clearly inform user where to report (e.g. in the Preface)
     + Ask Advise to experts
     + Nextcloud app for tracking issues?

Some reports followed in Bugzilla:
* 145916 – Writer Guide confuses AutoText with Macro
* 145917 – Getting Started Guide, Chapt 13 on Macro: confusing, repetitive, and not well organized
* 148254 – User guide: text referring to wrong field in English LO7.2 Base Guide

Meeting ajourned
Next meeting : *THURSDAY* April 14th 2022 at 18:00 UTC.

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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