Re: [Tradutores-Ubuntu] [Fwd: First Maverick post-release language packs uploaded to the PPA]

2010-11-26 Conversa Antón Méixome
Excelente noticia 2010/11/26 Fran Dieguez -- Mensaje reenviado -- From: David Planella To: Ubuntu Translators Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:39:22 +0100 Subject: First Maverick post-release

Re: a liala

2010-11-26 Conversa Fran Dieguez
Correo enviado á lista de fedora por parte de Adam Jackson, empregado de Red Hat falando da transición a Wayland «Well, the Fedora graphics cabal is basically me, Kevin Martin, and Dave Airlie, and since we were hanging out at Plumbers last week and talked about this, here's the rough consensus I