Hei hei, 

to not use a workaround on building our BSP I'd like to have some ideas
on a dependency problem together with collections. We use collections to
have slightly different builds of a BSP on the same target hardware. I
have set PTXCONF_OPENSSL=m so I can activate/deactivate it in a
collection. In one of our make rules (lets say rules/foo.make) there are
the following lines:

279 # install openssl default config
281     @$(call install_copy, foo, root, root, 0644, \
282         $(PTXDIST_SYSROOT_TARGET)/usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf,
283 endif

The openssl package does not install this by default. If I had special
needs for this file I would put it in my projectroot but I don't so the
default which comes with openssl is sufficient.

Now my problem: If I deactivate openssl in my collection, then in
foo.make PTXCONF_OPENSSL still seems to be defined so the install_copy
is executed, but does not find openssl.conf if openssl it was not build
before. Actually it was not (yet?) build in this case because nothing
else depends on it. `ptxdist install openssl` and then `ptxdist go`
leads to installing openssl.conf although I don't need it.

I see two possible solutions at the moment from my point of view:

1) There's a way to test in the make file if openssl is activated in
the collection and I missed it.
2) Someone™ adapts the openssl package to make it possible to choose
between installing the generic openssl.conf or her own copy from
3) The third even more elegant solution I missed.

Any hints on this welcome. O:-)


»With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured,
the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all
irrevocably.« (Jean-Luc Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie)
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