
6th Open Challenge on Question Answering over Linked Data

                Challenge @ ESWC 2016

The past years have seen a growing amount of research on question answering 
over Semantic Web data, shaping an interaction paradigm that allows end users 
to profit from the expressive power of Semantic Web standards while at the same 
time hiding their complexity behind an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

We are happy to announce QALD-6, the sixth installment of the open challenge on 
question answering over linked data, which provides an up-to-date benchmark for 
assessing and comparing systems that mediate between a user, expressing his or 
her information need in natural language and RDF data. QALD-6 offers three 

* Multilingual question answering over RDF data
* Hybrid question answering over RDF and free text data
* Statistical question answering over RDF data cubes

A full description of the challenge as well as the training data can be found 
at the following location:


We cordially invite everyone working on question answering over linked data, 
natural language processing for question answering, multilingual information 
retrieval, or related topics to participate, and look forward to another 
exciting challenge!


Paper submission deadline: March 11, 2016
Release of test data: April 8, 2016
Deadline for submission of system answers: April 15, 2016
Release of evaluation results: April 18, 2016
Submission of camera-ready papers: April 24, 2016
Workshop:       May 29 ~ June 2, 2016

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