DERI Pipes reaches version 0.7 and complex sophisticated on the fly LOD
mashups become possible. Check this example:

Lets say that you want to take any article on the web, read it and find out
if it talks about a
"a merger or an acquisition done by a company which is located in new york
or has a subsidiary that is located in new york"
in this case..  you want to send an email to some local merger specialized
guy there. (example from [1])

This is what this pipe does:

(takes a while but its a lot of processing, also runs on a virtual machine)

It outputs "Pfizer" which is the name of said company which is doing an
acquisition in the BBC article.
Note that the word  "New York" is NOT in the article!!

This pipe works by leveraging the OpenCalais for company names, AND looking
up wikipedia for company locations and subsidiaries. The full works can be
seen here inside the editor,

note how it leverages other pipes: pipes can now dragged and dropped as
More features and bugfixes since the last announcement

Changes for release 0.7.0
New Features
[2009-03-06] added link from results page to show pipe in editor
[2009-03-06] changed default http cache time from 1 minute to 5 minutes.
[2009-03-06] Honour HTTP Expires header if longer than default http cache

bugs fixed
[SWP-68] redirect not followed by rdffetch

Changes for release 0.6.7
New Features
[2009-03-05] added linked data demonstration implementing the use case
described at
[2009-03-04 <>] Added
function to xquery.
usage is like:
 pipes:call("myppipe","param1name",param1value,"param2name",param2value ...

Bugs Fixed
[SWP-57] clicking play on Parameter node throws an Exception
[SWP-58] For Variable debug play button does nothing
[SWP-64] add blank rdf/xml when dropping in Text node.
[SWP-65] default xquery text is not well formed

Other Changes
[2009-03-05] Moved pipes-guide to html document, doc/index.html
[2009-03-05] Merged older pipes documentation from web page into
doc/index.html (some requires updating)

Changes for release 0.6.6
New Features
[2009-03-04] Added sesame xpath functions library including concat,
lowercase and uppercase

Example query using fn:concat follows:
PREFIX fn: <>
select ?name where {?s ?p ?name .
FILTER ( ?name=fn:concat('Giovanni ','Tummarello') )

[2009-03-03] Added link to documentation page from each operator on design
Clicking the link opens the documentation page on another tab. Documentation
currently skeletal.

[2009-03-03] Added a Choose (if/then/else) operator. This allows one or
input to be selected based on whether a condition is true. Some basic
have been provided including:
Not Empty - is true if the input is not empty.
Matches - is true if the source (converted to a string) matches a regular
Comparison - is true if one source compares (==,!=,>,<,<=,>=) to another
And - is true if both of two underlying conditions are.
Or - is true if either of two underlying conditions are true.
Not - is true if the underlying condition is false.

[2009-03-03] Added Replace Text operator, all occurrences of an pattern are
with a value.

[2009-03-02] Added RDF Extract operator, which parses rdf/xml. (This will
later be
modified to extract metadata using any23).

Bug Fixes
[SWP-48] new lines lost in select queries and text box text

Changes for release 0.6.5
[2009-02-25] New PipeCall operator allows calling another saved pipe
same as using any other operator.
[2009-02-25] New Stringify operator allows using output of some
operators as string input into another operator (for
instance using the output of one http call as a parameter
into another http call)
[2009-02-25] New Text operator
[2009-02-25] New 'mark as broken/mark as fixed' menu items to remove
broken pipes off the main screen (and back again when fixed)
[2009-02-25] Improved workflow in 'save pipe' dialog.
[2009-02-25] Improved caching of http responses

Changes for release 0.6.4
[2009-02-18] New feature on http get to expand links. This changes relative
hrefs to absolute.
[2009-02-18] New feature on http get to set the Accept header.
[2009-02-18] Changed fetch operators to allow string or source for location.
This allows output from one fetch operator to be passed through stringify
operator then as a param or path in another http request.
[2009-02-18] Added example of calling OpenCalais web service.
[2009-02-18] Some small bug fixes.

Changes for release 0.6.3
[2009-02-16] Fixed problem in URL Builder which was missing text input
(parameter) nodes.
[2009-02-16] Modified URL Builder not to inject '/' between path components.
[2009-02-16] Some small bug fixes.

Changes for release 0.6.2
[2009-02-13] New html2xml operator
[2009-02-13] Caching of HTTP GET responses
[2009-02-13] Some small bug fixes.

Changes for release 0.6.1
[2009-02-11] new XQuery Operator
[2009-02-11] Some small bug fixes.

For these two dot releases, main kudos must go to Robert Fuller

Giovanni Tummarello,
on behalf of the deri pipe team.

[1] use case from (see bottom of the

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