Yay 10 000 visits and really nice discussion on the place of graphic design in the open source. Lots of hard advocate of photoshop out there ;)

I must admit that I haven't used the gimp too much in professional settings - but anyhow, it was quite a conversation starter!

over 270 click to the floss+art book, hopefully it ends up in some download and maybe sales!

I wonder now though if open source is more geared toward art and creativty more than design. Here I take the design out of it's art setting, where art is the expression of the self and design is a solution in communication and arragment. There is still an artist impulse in the design, but has to be merge with the purpose of the creation... anyhow I might not have the right word yet for that difference, but I start to sense what can open source bring to creativity...

On Mon, 18 Jul 2011, Aymeric Mansoux wrote:

Damaru said :
hitting the 4000 visit in the last 2 hours I see a lot of people
clicking trough to floss+art book ;)

yay indeed!
Thanks for the link!
(looks like your cloud background might be the next meme on HN ;)




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