First, great job on the software JE77! My head is still spinning with possibilities for the AniAniWeb. I also checked out some pages on In particular caught my eye as that is an example of good design.

Just a couple of questions:

When I Click update identity in the Users page in admin, I get a ComSwiki not found message saying "(http://myurl/admin/updateUserIdentity) was not found on this server". Any ideas?

How do we delete a user?

On the technical side, what are the limits for number of pages in a site and number of sites created within a single instance of Squeak?

Also, I'm working with one of our teachers to research the uses of the coweb in a 9-12 environment with an eye to publishing. His research has been publishing mostly in social studies journals and we were wondering what other journals might be a good fit. Any suggestions?


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