On Dienstag 30 März 2010, reckoner wrote:
> Hi,
> I built the boost 1.38 libraries from source following the instructions
> on the wiki, but this generated about 5 GB of material.
> Do I need all of it, or can I trim this down?

These here are the boost headers that PyCUDA includes.


(This implicitly tells you which Boost libraries are used, and you can
probably infer what you need to keep and what to throw away. Debian's
package management does a pretty good job of modularizing boost.

You might also want to try

Disclaimer: I haven't played with this.

I realize boost is a big dependency, but you will find that its
individual parts are actually quite small--it just includes everything
and the kitchen sink [1]. So this is mainly a distribution problem IMO.
Also I stand behind the choice of boost as a supporting library--it's
quality software.


[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/libraries.htm

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